Hello Everyone,
I am having heart palpitation (fast heart rate) soon after eating from the last 6 months. I have tried low carb diet, small portion of meal but nothings work.
Been to cardiologist and he requested an ECHO (he suspected a murmur) and holter monitor for 72 hours.
I have just received the results today through post. I need someone to interpret the results:
This confirmed sinus rhythm throughout with a heart rate ranging between 56 bpm and 177 bpm. There were very occasional ventricular and atrial ectopic beats only with no sustained arrhythmia seen. The patient kept a diary with 7 events reported and these corresponded with either sinus rhythm Or atrial Or ventricular ectopic beats.
"There were no structural abnormalities seen with the left ventricle demonstrating a normal ejection fraction and no valvular abnormalities were present"