I have been told that my hubby can claim pip and a blue badge with his condition. 3 Heart attacks, stent fitted and just hD kidney out due to cancer. Does any one know please. Thank you.
Pip and blue badge: I have been told... - British Heart Fou...
Pip and blue badge

Hello and welcome to the forum! A heart condition does not trigger these benefits as people often recover to lead a normal life post HA and/or surgery. You could ask your GP their opinion or drop into your local CAB for advice.
I was awarded a PIP because of my heart condition.
It is how your ill health effects your ability to care for yourself and mobility that is assessed. It can be awarded for the duration of cancer treatment usually for those with long term conditions.
As Michael has already said I would seek advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau. Some cancer charities offer free advice too.
Good luck!
There’s a very good website called benefits and work. It costs about £20 a year but they have examples of what to put on a very long form. Also what to do if you get turned down. Y
There is a forum where you can get questions answered, which is very good.
Thanks Jude x
Have looked at it Jude’s, thanks so much it’s really helpful x
Glad to be of help the benefit system is a nightmare
Hi Jude’s can’t believe he has been turned down when he can hardly walk and in so much pain. There was so much evidence I can’t believe it. His pain is so bad they are looking at giving him another replacement ankle. They said they scored him 4
You need to appeal it if you have been turned down, the company that does the assessment gets paid for refusing claims, so you need to appeal the decision.
Go to your gp and ask can they write you a letter of support, also head to the citizens advice and see what they can do.
Another thing you can look into is carers allowance for yourself.

Thanks will try that, thanks so much for your help x
You are welcome.
You must appeal, there is a very short time scale in which to do this so check your letters carefully.
Also, base it on his worst possible day this is not the time to be saying he can do this that and the other. I’m guessing with his ankle he can’t stand to peel veg or potato’s, etc. the inability to do this should be mentioned.
With regard to GP’s some will write some won’t some charge some don’t it’s a bit of a lottery.
Feel free to pm me at any time
Hi Jude’s, just thought I would let you know my son was turned down for pip again at the mandatory assessment stage. Now going to go to appeal, so distressed trying to help him whilst my Colin is not well. Colin got turned down for blue badge and can’t get pip cause he is 71. so I have left that for the time being as my son’s case is urgent because he has difficulty walking . Sat for 3 hours questioning the decision made on the original claim refusal and putting the case forward to the mandatory decision, they only awarded him 4 points for each. Waiting for letter, only reason I know is because i rang them to update them on the fact he has been told he might need a popliteal nerve block to try and stop the pain but the specialist said there is a possibility of him completely losing the feeling in his leg. They told me that the decision had already been made and it was a no.
Am feeling really drained at the whole process.
I work in benefits ,and around 70% of people are getting their pip awarded on appeal. You need to stress how much the person in question relies on help from people in every aspect of their day to day living. Good luck x
Thanks so much Mickymoo, I did stress all the help on the four A4 pages I sent but perhaps as you say when it goes to appeal they might believe me. I do hope so. My son is so proud when he filled the original forms in he tried to hide the fact that he is disabled due to the false ankle he has and the fact that he is in constant pain. I was not too worried because I thought a face to face assessment would prove his disability. This was so cold and did not report on what was true. It even says he drives and goes out three times a week, he has not even got a car and we take him everywhere he needs to go. His accident was 16 years ago and we are approx. 14 operations on now and he is still in agony. His new ankle obviously has not worked and he limps everywhere and has to keep using crutches . Thanks for your positive message. Regards Ursula x
I have heard of alot of people saying the report they got doesn't reflect what was actually said by the claimant. This is so unfair. Make sure and put in your appeal that it was never stated your son was driving. It's so stressful having to fill out these forms and go to interviews just to get what you are entitled to. I know people awarded pip that are just fine and it angers me as there are people out there like your son who truly need it. I may have to apply for pip myself lol. Just wait to see what my results are. Best of luck x.
Thanks Jude’s. It’s a nightmare, he has had 14 operations, in thirteen years , 31 visits to hospital, screws in screws out, 2 x fusions, then a replacement ankle, which might have to be replaced again and can hardly walk, scored him 4 and said he was friendly!!!! I What do they expect him to do, cry all the time!!!!!! I went with him on the assessment and it was like an interrogation.He was a plumber but had to come off the tools and just does surveys now, his dad, my hubby drives him to appointments and I do his cooking, washing etc. We are both 70 now and not in good health having both had heart operations. Our son lives alone , moved from a house to a bungalow and is embarrassed because he needs help at 42 years old, never ever claimed anything in the thirteen years, now he could really do with a specialty adapted car so that he can drive himself to appointments. Trouble is he needs pip to claim a mobility car. Don’t know what to do if his appeal gets turned down. X
The citizens advice are very good at helping with pip claims x
Hi, it’s me again five months later and still awaiting for the appeal, think it will be ages now because of the virus. My son came to live with us because we have to self isolate now. His dad obviously can’t drive him to appointments now so it has come to the situation I was dreading in that we can’t help him. He has since had his injection in the back of his knee but it hasn’t worked. I have heard that some of the judges are looking at papers and making decisions as people cannot get to court. He now has no income and still has his own household expenses.
Appeals can generally take 6 months or more anyway. As you say now with corona virus the judges may well have to go by what's written on the appeal, or there will be a massive backlog when things are up and running again. Ile see what I can find out for u xx
Hi, it's good to see you back in the forum, it's been a while. Hope you've been OK?
Hi Lezzers yes getting there. Moving about now after my replacement hip. Got a funny look off Colin though when I suggested we do a jigsaw😂🤣😂x
I'm doing a jigsaw, very frustrating. Doesn't help that I keep dropping pieces and the dogs get to them before me!
I'm now at the point I need to leave it alone as I'm stuck! Will restart after I've taken the dogs for a walk, though theres no chance they'll be too tired to eat my jigsaw 😂
Do you need to keep moving to help your hip? My husband is in pain again with his hip for the last couple of days, have spoken to GP this morning and she doesn't want to send him for x rays at the moment, completely understandable.
Hi, I find that it feels very stiff when I get up after lying on the settee for a whole until I get moving. We got a new mattress from dreams in January which has been a godsend. It is memory foam PLUS springs. I feel great after a good night sleep and it doesn’t hurt when I get up. I had my op in Tenerife on 1/11/20 so 4 months now. Off the crutch and use a stick when going out, which is never now 😂 got to smile I suppose. My grandson calls me his bionic Nana 🤗 hope your hubby feels better soon, paracetamol perhaps for the time being x
Thanks will try citizens advice x