For all the people taking statins and aspirin can I ask what sort you take I.e coated or dispersive and does it make any difference?
Aspirin: For all the people taking... - British Heart Fou...

I've had both at different times but currently take dispersive ones as that is what was prescribed. Cardiac rehab nurses said dispersive is easier on the stomach.
Oh really, now I was told the coated ones were which is why I asked the question. Thankyou.
Coated are definately better than 'normal' ones. Not sure it makes a whole lot of difference really. May be I'm to trusting but they wouldn't give you something that's bad so just go with it if I was you.

I would say at the usual 75mg prescribed no. Coated are probably better at higher doses used for inflammation/pain. When I had an abcessed tooth I alternated between aspirin and paracetamol every four hours.
I’ve had both and neither bother me. I take Nexium though to counter any tummy problems.
Esomeprazole is the generic
We went to a heart start course last night. We were told it’s good idea to carry asprin with you. If needing to take 300 mg then at that time it is best to chew them to get them into your system quickly. At a preventative dose I am not sure.
Hello, I have been on 75mg of dispersible Asprin since February 2018, I ran out when I was in France recently and purchased a coated non gastric specifically for regular heart users 100mg which was all I could purchase and I was using them for about a month, however my cardiologist suggested I switch back to UK version as the dispensible is more effective or faster, personally I noted no difference on my stomach but would like to know the outcome of the survey as it would be good to use an Asprin that has less affects on your stomach.
I am prescribed soluble 75mg aspirin but felt they sometimes didn't go down easily so I buy my own coated ones from supermarket. Am okay swallowing all other meds.
I'm on soluble which are absolutely killing my stomach. However he GP insists there's no difference in types
I've been on 75 mg of dispersable aspirin for seven years without issues, I just swallow without dispersing.
Really, why don’t you dissolve?
Disperse it does make a difference
Any difference in price I have never noticed ??
From the patient information leaflet:
"The usual dosage is 1 to 2 tablets dissolved in water, once a day" and "The tablets must be dissolved in a glass of water before taking".
The pharmacy prescription label:
"Dissolve or mix with water before taking, take with or just after food , or a meal"
If you do not dissolve them you might just as well take ordinary aspirin, which, of course, dissolves in the stomach too.
I have the soluble ones. But I swallow them. I'm a rebel!!
I am on Aspirin 75mg and Clopidogrel 75mg what is the difference.
Dunno, I thought they were both thinners so why would you be on both? Although it may be that aspirin also works on the inflammation I think perhaps someone else may know.
Cloopy Dog Rel is different to Aspirin but normal to have both after stents etc.
I chuck a dispersible one in my mug of tea at breakfast time. Seems to be OK and it makes life simpler!