ongoing abdomen cramps and frequent toilet visits for the last 2 months.. which i believe is an exacerbation of my diverticulitis..originally thought the culprit may have been newly prescribed Nicorandil.. to be honest it wasn’t having any noticeable affect on angina episodes and has been taken off my medications by the medical practice pharmacist .. now i’m beginning to wonder if it might be the daily dose of 75mg soluable aspirin.. Any fellow diverticulitis sufferers on here with similar problems which have been attributed to aspirin?
aspirin and diverticulosis - British Heart Fou...
aspirin and diverticulosis

I too have diverticulitis, and on 75 mg dispersible aspirin I can go months and have no flare up and then have a good few weeks of abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Never thought it was my aspirin, but maybe. Though had diverticulitis before my heart problems. I eat Greek yought , bananas and stewed apple which is supposed to soothe the colon, I do find it helps, I stay away from nuts and seeds and brown bread when I am having problems.
Hope your feeling better soon.
hi. also had diverticulitis before heart prob diagnosed and meds given.. aspirin only prescribed about 3 months ago.. flareups before this usually lasted a few days.. but this has lasted over 2 months.. might have a word with the pharmacist to get their take on it.. find out if there is an alternative to the aspirin
I had 2 bad episodes of diverticulitis April 19, with CT scan they found an adenoma on my adrenal gland, which they are still sorting out, I then had a heart attack August 19 and have been on aspirin, Ticagrelor, atorvastatin since, I have had no problems with either.
I am also on other BP & asthma meds
i’m on 5mg ivabradine.. 90mg dilitaziem.. 120mg isorobide monitrate.. 8mg perindopril.. 2.5mg bendroflumezide. 40mg simvastatin... 20mg omeprazole plus inhalers and 200mg alipurinol for uric acud
Hi, I am now taking Edoxaban for blood thinning, before that Warfarin. I first started on Dispersible Asprin after my first heart attack, but later switched to Enteric coated Asprin due to Acid Reflux. There are quite a few alternatives.👍
I have been on blood thinners since 2008, I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel syndrome in 1995 and I was diagnosed with diverticulosis in 2017.
If you must blame it on something, I guess it might as well be aspirin. If that doesn't work, it may mean that the polyps along your intestine need cleaning out. For mine, I use insoluble fiber. I' repeat, INSOLUBLE fiber! That's been working for me for fifty years. Soft foods just ain't gonna hack it.

What do you mean by “insoluble fibre” - I was prescribed Ispaghula husk for diverticulitis- is this the same thing?
I too was starting to wonder if this is my problem after taking the asa alternate days i can say without a doubt that it can cause burning in the esophogus, stomach and bowel plus bring on the constant cramps and off and on diarhea. What to do especially when you take it for heart meds regime.