Aspirin intolerance : Hello everyone... - British Heart Fou...

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Aspirin intolerance

Heyjude31 profile image
50 Replies

Hello everyone, does anyone have experience of aspirin intolerance and stopping taking it for an alternative. After 4 months post CABG x 4 I am still struggling with nausea and vomiting. I have to have a ct scan and endoscopy to check everything is okay with my stomach etc. I take Clopidogrel every morning. I also take the usual Pantoprazole, Nebivolol, Rosuvastatin and the aspirin. If anyone has had similar side effects I would be grateful to hear. I also take Dihydrocodeine for nerve pain, due to diabetes. Thanks as ever, Judi

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Heyjude31 profile image
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50 Replies

Hello :-)

I have been thinking about you today and wondered if you had the procedure done and had any answers

I know that Aspirin upsets my stomach and 2 weeks ago when they were thinking of taking me of the blood thinner they upped the dose of Aspirin and I could not tolerate it my stomach was a complete mess so sore

My Doctor is writing to my Consultant to ask what we can do so I have no answer as yet ti what she may reply but when I do I will let you know :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Thank you, I did go for my endoscopy but there was still food in my stomach even though I had not eaten since lunchtime yesterday. I have to have it done again, but I have a Ct scan next week so hopefully that will provide some answers. Let me know how you get on and thank you for replying x

in reply to Heyjude31

O dear just when you thought you might get an answer but never mind the scan might give you one :-)Yes when I get an answer I will let you know what they say :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Thank you xx

in reply to Heyjude31

:-) x

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Heyjude31

An endoscopy is my worst nightmare let alone having to repeat it. You have my sympathy. YOu sound to have slow transit of the digestive system as I do. I recently had a sigmoidoscopy with an enema and the nurse just wouldn't give enough time for the enema to work as my system was so full. All these medications do slow everything down then you end up with tablets to cure what the other tablets do.

Radars profile image
Radars in reply to

I have recently been taken off 75mg of aspirin because of indigestion pain in my chest, I've been switched to clopidogrel instead and I have been taking them for a week so far so good I have got a hiatus hernia so have to be careful.

in reply to Radars

Hello :-)

For some Aspirin and especially a higher dose can upset their stomachs , I find it does with me

I have asked if they do a coated Aspirin and if I could try that instead as I have heard it can be gentler on the stomach but for some reason the questions seems to get ignored

I have heard about clopidogrel quite a few take that and I am glad it suits you :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Hi I do take a coated aspirin, from our form members replies there are alternatives so when I speak to the doctor I am going to ask. Hope you are okay and take care x

in reply to Heyjude31

I will have to be a bit more firmer why they are not giving me the coated one

I am not doing great to be honest but thank you for asking me :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

I am learning that too. I know the doctors are all very busy, but we need to ask them these questions, to help ourselves. Ultimately it’s their job and we shouldn’t be afraid to ask. Easier said than done I know, but over recent months I have felt fobbed off so I am trying to be a bit more assertive. Take care, Judi xx

in reply to Heyjude31

Same here I always feel fobbed of and may times I come of the phone feeling worse than before I spoke to them

Time to be assertive then we might as well the other has not worked so we will give this ago :-)

I remember once my Doctor at the end of the call saying to me this call has been very challenging :-D

That was one of the occasions where I decided to be assertive :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

It’s their job to know the answers or to be aware of someone who does! Take care xx

in reply to Heyjude31

Well yes but sometimes they don't :-D x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Very true or sometimes they say we need to speak to someone else as they don’t have the authority. This happened to me. The GP referred me back to the Cardio Surgeon and the surgeon asked why the GP hadn’t answered my questions. Hey ho, we will keep trying for answers xx

in reply to Heyjude31

That made me laugh as we just thought it was us that this happens to

One day at the Doctors my Husband asked her a question she told him to ask a Doctor ( it was my appointment you see) he stood there and said I thought you were one :-D

Then she went on to ask him to ask the pharmacist , he did on the way out and she asked him to ask a Doctor :-D

He gave up in the end :-D x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

I would not have thought it possible if I hadn’t experienced it myself but yours takes some beating! Hilarious, 😂xx

in reply to Heyjude31

We still laugh about it now was like a comedy show :-D

Then I asked her if I could have dissolvable paracetamol she asked me to crush the solid ones instead :-D x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Brilliant! 😂xx

in reply to Heyjude31

:-) x

in reply to

You couldn’t write it ???

in reply to

I know :-D

The things that have been said over the years if I did write it most would think it is a comedy not actually what is happening in real life :-D

You sometimes have to have a sense of humour though or you would be forever crying with some of what happens :-) x

in reply to

You’ve never said a truer word !! It’s a struggle sometimes but I love to laugh … best feeling in the world and your wee story made me laugh this morning so thank you for that 🌹

in reply to

Yes I agree :-)

She did also prescribe me a sleeping tablet last week not sure if that was to shut me up or what I have not taken it though

When I was saying I was not sure and how strong were they she did reply well if you do not want to take the full one you can bite it in half :-D

They are tiny so I am yet to ask how I manage that and I shall have to point out that on the packet it clearly states no crushing them so that is out the question with this one which will no doubt throw her as she wont be able to tell me to crush these :-D x

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

My aspirin wsa changed to a type that's enteric coated and doesn't dissolve until it gets into the gut. I'm now having tests to check for bleeding as my stool has t urned black. I was taken off clopidogrel early because of stomach pain. They said stay on aspirin as they know more about side effects but it's horrid stuff.

in reply to Qualipop

Hello :-)

That is the Aspirin I was thinking of :-)

Also I have been having alot of problems with my stomach and my stool seem to be getting darker and have had to do a Fit test today and send it of

Dreading the results anxious already as I feel we have all been through enough on here and really do not need anymore to think about

You will have to let me know how you get on :-) x

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

Same here, my FIT tests went in yesterday. I have dreadful constipation so I suspect the aspirin stays there far too long.

in reply to Qualipop

O sounds like we are in the same boat at the moment I have been suffering with dreadful stomach aches I am so fed up it is getting me down

I wonder how long the tests results take to come back :-) x

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

My GP said about 3 days

in reply to Qualipop

I thought 3 days or so sounds about right but for some strange reason my doctor is saying a week or two !

I have been just reading a post you did a while back talking about been anemic which I have just been tested for and waiting for the results and that your stool started turning black which seems to be what is happening to me , feeling tired , stomach ache in fact everything you were saying in that post is just how I have been feeling these last 6 weeks

It is getting me so down and I mentioned to my Doctor could any of my meds be making me feel this way to which she replied no you have been on them over a year now but deep down I think one of them is causing all this

I feel I have lost a bit of weight to , not that I could not do with losing some but I have done nothing to try to lose any which I believe happened to you

As soon as I get up in a morning just recently I go back to sleep within a couple of hours

I hope we both get this sorted soon :-) x

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

The stupid thing is I have barely any extra tablets apart from aspirin, famotidine and a statin. The other two I've been on for years. Really sluggish digestive system, pain all over. I fall asleep after eating, especially around 6pm. I would LOVE to stop all tablets except my painkiller for just a month to get it all out of my system and see how I feel then restart them one by one

in reply to Qualipop

I understand I feel like that stopping all the meds but of course my heart needs them :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Hello BeKind28, I hope you are okay? I wondered if you had received any answers with regard to your aspirin intolerance? Take care 🤗

in reply to Heyjude31

Hello :-)

Well I spoke to my Consultant over the PPI'S which she said I did not need to take those if I did not want to

Then I spoke to my Doctor and repeated this and she said she was not happy with me not taking one so all that has got very confusing

As for the Aspirin that is something I have to take but they are going to put me on the coated one that hopefully will be kinder to my stomach

Yet to start it but will try and remember to tell you how I get on :-)

What about you have you got anywhere with your meds and how they are making you feel ? :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Hiya, at the moment I am taking Clopidogrel and Nebivolol. I am in conversation with the Pharmacist about Aspirin as he suggested a soluble aspirin which might be better. I have already tried that so I am due to speak with him again next week. I am also trying to look for alternative to statin at the moment they are just reducing my dosage, not happy with that either so I will keep on trying. I am awaiting the results of my Ct scan and redo my Endoscopy early next week, so fingers crossed. When do you get your FIT results? xxx

in reply to Heyjude31

Hello :-)

I am glad you are in talks over your meds I think that is all we can do till we get them sorted out

I went from 80 mg to 40 mg of statin as I could not tolerate the 80 mg

I am glad you have had the tests done and let me know when you get the results , I hope everything will be ok :-)

I have been making myself ill waiting for the results of the Fit test and I mean really ill

I am expecting them back by the end of the week and it is all that has been on my mind

I think with the Bypasses we have been through enough and we could do with a break from all this

I hope we both get one soon :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Me too. I will be thinking of you until you get your results every step of the way. Do let me know please. Yes we do need a break after all we have been through. Sending you big hugs 🤗🤗🤗

in reply to Heyjude31

Thank You :-)

I will let you know and hope everything goes well for you to :-) x

Fullofheart profile image

I have a salycilate allergy (aspirin is 100 % salycilate but salycilate is in everything). I developed this through being put on aspirin and flecainide. I now can't take either and have to stay on a low salycilate diet. I've been on this for about 12 years and have to avoid many foods and meds. But its made a massive difference to my life. This is a full allergy -I carry an epipen- and is quite rare I think but it could be worth you looking at salycilate intolerance. There are helpful factsheets out there with lists of foods and drinks that are very low through to very high. Spices are the worst offenders. Good luck 🌸

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Fullofheart

Thank you for taking the time to reply I really appreciate it. I will certainly investigate salicylate. Take care, Judi

bridgeit profile image

Oh, the joys of aspirin! It's fast-acting, very cheap and as a direct result seems to be the 'go to' drug of choice to prevent unwanted blood clotting. I had a nasty reaction to aspirin 75mg daily almost instantly and suffered for 18 months with bad digestive reactions to both it and the mitigating PPIs before my constant nagging encouraged my consultant to seek a suitable alternative, which he did with advice from a haematologist.

I was switched to apixaban 10mg daily and it works for me. No more PPIs needed and my digestive system has fully recovered (it took six months). I'm expecting/hoping the dose will be lowered to 5mg daily in due course. I suggest you have a robust chat with your consultant about suitable aspirin alternatives.

I am not medically trained. With that in mind, based on my experience it might be worth you taking a look at a natural supplement to help re-line your stomach and intestines with mucus, given the drug cocktail you're enduring. I've found a heaped teaspoon of L-Glutamine powder in half a glass of water in the morning at least an hour before eating works wonders for me. I get it from Nature's Best at

If nothing is found on your scan, bile salts might help with an abnormally slow digestive process - especially if you've had your gall bladder removed. You can look at such a product here:

As always, it is essential to check with your GP/consultant before taking any over-the-counter supplements as they could react badly and/or interfere with existing medication.

I hope the medics are able to find something more palatable than aspirin for you soon.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to bridgeit

Gosh 18 months is such a long time to suffer I really hope you are fine now. Thank you so much for such a helpful reply so much great information to consider. I am speaking to my doctor on Monday so will ask then, thank you again I really do appreciate it. Take care, Judi

Hi there. I suffer a severe reaction to Aspirin … anaphylactic shock… so after heart attack August 2020 I was prescribed clopidogrel 75mg per day. Blood thinning alternative to Aspirin … no severe problems with it apart from very occasional reflux which I’ve never experienced before in my entire life …

Fullofheart profile image
Fullofheart in reply to

Me too, re aspirin!Do you have to follow low salycilate diet too?

Made world of difference to me.

in reply to Fullofheart

I’ve never thought of that. I must investigate. I carry an epi pen with me at all times as I also have severe allergy to nuts if any kind … oh great joy 🤦‍♀️

Fullofheart profile image
Fullofheart in reply to

Wow, me too...nuts, seeds and salycilate. Makes eating out er...interesting! 😂Very happy to talk more about this. Really recommend the low salycilate route. Feel free to PM me. 😊

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Thank you for taking the time to reply really helpful. I am on Clopidogrel so I shall definitely continue with that and speak to my doctor about the aspirin. Thank you again and take care, Judi

Fullofheart profile image

Good luck!!

Suebedoo profile image

Bit late posting and you maybe husband had same problem, was put on clopidrogel and omeprazole and nausea stopped very quickly. Consultant said that his insides would be inflamed hence the omeprazole

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Suebedoo

Thank you ever so much for replying I appreciate it. Judi

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