Hello all. I posted some months ago a question on how best to get rid of the scar after open heart surgery. On the advice I received I've been using Bio Oil for about 4 months now and it has helped but my scar is still very noticeable and lumpy like candle wax. Am I expecting too much from this oil and stop using it or should I persevere ? Advice welcome from those who've used it. Many thanks.
Scar healing - How long for Bio Oil t... - British Heart Fou...
Scar healing - How long for Bio Oil to work?

Hi. I burnt my Hand a couple of years ago and used Bio-Oil which was ok. Still felt very self-conscious of the Scarring though. Had to go for a Check-Up at the Hospital and they prescribed me 'Veil Camouflage Cream'. They matched it up to my exact, (near enough anyway), Skin Colouring and it really is brilliant. It made me feel so much better as you really couldn't see any Scarring at all. After that the Doctor prescribed it for me as well. I plan to get some more after my pending Heart Op. This is the stuff that Plastic Surgeons use. Why not see if you can get some? You can get it Online as well mind. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Hope this helps 😊

I had my bypass a year ago and it's not that pronounced these days. The only thing I do is wash with Dove soap. To be honest I am unbothered about the scar even when it was more noticeable in the months after surgery. It is part of me now.
I used Bio Oil on thick burn scars. It took over a year but the scars completely disappeared. I was amazed at the result.
U will never completely "get rid" of the scar as u put it. It will always be there.
I have used bio oil for 1 1/2 years post op. I can still see it bio oil has helped a lot with the healing and it has faded a lot.
If u are very self conscious of it maybe try the camouflage cream the lady is talking about this is probably the only Way to disguise it.
I am not self conscious I wear my scar with pride. So I don't hide it.
In actual fact many of friends and family want to see it.
I had open heart surgery 12 weeks ago and started using Bio Oil about 6 weeks ago. I started using to reduce the sensitivity I was getting in that area. To be honest I have noticed very little difference in the appearance of my scar, other than the general healing process which has taken place anyway. I’m not sure it has worked for me. Anyway, remember this is your badge of honour, wear it with pride! You’ve earned it!
Six months after surgery my chest hairs have grown out fully again - albeit greyer than before - covering the scar completely. Keep it au naturel.
It all depends on the scar and how you tend to heal - you say it’s candle wax-like in texture; in my experience bio oil isn’t going to change that, the same as it won’t improve the texture of keloid scarring which I’m prone to. The very best thing for scars in my own experience is time; after 6 years, the massive keloid scar running down the back of my head to my back from brain surgery is only really noticeable if you get close enough and because I’ve got a thin strip where hair doesn’t grow: people notice that more than anything, particularly as the colouration of scars fades over time so it’s the same colour as the surrounding skin.
If you really want to try something, I would personally look into silicone dressings and tape as I know a few people that have had really good results with that (I plan to use it myself when the last of the scabs come off a significant surgical incision I’ve got on my chest right now), but from using it myself over the years, bio oil definitely isn’t worth the money and particularly not if you’ve been using it for 4 months with little improvement.
I used bio oil on a 20 year old biopsy scar that was hard and raised. It took over 6 months to go but it did eventually. It is still visible. The skin is a different colour but it's flat and soft again.
Tried Bio and Aloe Vera but all they did was ease the itching. Four years post op and scar is still pink and can be tender. Some days I feel that good I think the procedure did not happen but the scar is a good reminder and prompt to keep up with my healthy lifestyle..
Hi, Don't know if this will help but I had bypass surgery in 1993 and ended up with a very thick and raised Keloid scar which was so tender and uncomfortable and I could not even wear a seat belt, so after 18 months they cut the scar out ( and removed the sternum wires at the same time) and re-stitched the wound but again it healed in Keloid form so the following year I had the scar injected with hundreds of injections containing steroids I believe, in small area's at a time over some 5 visits and this procedure completely flattened the scar and cured the constant itching of the scar, it is still visible but looks and feels so much better.
Hi, my husband used Aveeno on his scar which helped him. Hope you find something that works for you.
To be fair it isn’t a magic potion so maybe you are expecting too much.
The oil in my case did (I believe) help but you can still see it, I don’t think anything will make it disappear altogether.
I had my new valve and triple bypass in 2014. I now suffer from ugly keloid scarring with uncomfortable sensitive skin, as well as sharp pains. I'm now applying Kelo-cote gel and I'm due to have a nickel allergy test prior to possible excising of the wires for the pains.
Kelo-cote is helping with the appearance of the scars by seemingly flattening them out, but not the sensitivity as yet.