Any suggestions for the scar on the chest.. it goes very tight and stings .. I’ve been using bio oil and moisturisers . Seen the nurse and says I’ve got ketoid scarring which doesn’t look nice which is getting me tearful and a bit depressed,and fed up of it being sore. 😞
scar pain 😞 : Any suggestions for the... - British Heart Fou...
scar pain 😞

How long have you had the scar ? I don't know about ketoid scars did you have an operation or did it just appear?
I have a scar from my belly button to my pubic hair line . It's from an emergency c section ,which was used again for when my son was born supposed to be elective but went into labour at 36. 5 weeks so another emergency ,then used again 9 years later when I had a total hysterectomy.
The scar was sore for years after each operation and had pain inside due to scar tissue inside my body . I only used baby moisturiser. But I was 25,29 and 38 when I had my ops.
2017 had jaundice caused by 2 tablets I had been in since 1992 for my neurological condition and had to use Dermal double gel which I washed in and Dermol 500 lotion on my skin as jaundice doesn't terrible things to your skin . My skin got used to the Dermol 500 a couple of years ago so know use Cetraben moisturising cream which is far better. But if I have a patch of very sore and itchy skin that doesn't respond to the cream I use a 1% hydrocortisone cream Boots own . And it clears it up within days . But don't use the Cetraben cream at the same time .
No idea if this helps you . But you should see a dermatologist so ask your GP for a referral.
Yes I’m struggling with mine too! Bypass 6 weeks ago / I have my 6 week check next week, so will be asking some advice. I get relief from letting warm water fall down over the scar, but not directly on it. I then alternate between using Vaseline, sudocrem, and a silicone gel. I find the gel dries and the scar becomes tight again, but I think it has helped with appearance. Please note though my scar has healed together so none of the skin is open. I also have soreness and sensitivity in my left breast- I guess this is where the internal bits are still mending and maybe nerves still recovering? I into change 3-4 different bras as the day goes on trying to relieve the discomfort. Then since my op my neck doesn’t seem quite right, not sure how to explain really but if I turn quickly or awkward move it is painful. Be interesting to see if anyone else has the same? Probably early days still and expecting too much!
I don't know if these exercises with help with your neck. Because of my neurological condition have walked all my life looking at the pavement or any surfaces when out so I don't trip over anything. The top of my spine is mal formed because of this and do get neck pain. I go to a sit fit class and we do neck exercises. They are done slowly and if it hurts stop but they help me . So here they are.
Sit up straight looking straight ahead and slowly turn you head to the left as far as you can go then slowly back to centre then slowly turn to the right then back to centre . If you can do it 3 times each side always remember slowly and back to centre .
Looking forward slowly roll you head to the left and through the centre to the right and back again 3 times.
Facing forward slowly lower you head to your chest but only as far as you can go without pain slowly raise your head back to centre 3 times .
If you can do this looking forward put your hands the back of your head and slowly raise your head and look at the join between the walk and ceiling hold for count of 3 lower you head slowly to centre lower arms.
Sitting straight out your put your right arm out straight ahead and cross your body and place on your left shoulder using your left arm place under your right elbow . Very slowly turn your head to your left making sure your left shoulder is down and not up by your ear hold for count of 3 . Slowly return head to centre and lower arms . Do the same with your left arm touching you right shoulder and looking over your right shoulder.
You should feel a slight pull but no pain . If it hurts stop .
If you can only do each exercise once each movement then build up to the 3.
I know they help with my neck .
This is what I have been taught I am not an instructor just someone who loves my sit fit class and do exercises at home everyday day. A variety of ones .
I have you asked to be referred to a physio ?
Wow my own personalised exercise plan, thank you so much for taking the time to share this! I will get started today!
I expect to be referred to a rehab programme which I completed after my stent last year and found really helpful and confidence boosting. I am looking forward to my next one following my heart bypass now and guess it will only be a matter of weeks. I feel I definitely do need some direction to what I can and cannot do this time round.
Like you so happy there is help out there when we reach out! Also well done you keeping it going, so happy it is helping you with your condition 😄
I know how much exercise has helped me . People may thing sit fit is an easy option but it's not we get a full workout . We do sit down,stand up back if the chair and walking exercises.
We always do warm up exercises and cool down ones. Sit down ,standing up holding the back of the chair and walking exercises.
Anyone think it's easy. Put on a tune with a good beat . Sit on the front of a dining chair imagine a string running up your spine through you head to the ceiling . Left your heels for count of 12 toes on the ground then lift toes heels down for 12 . Next lift feet and do single time marching for count of 6 then double time for 3-5 minutes depending on the length of the song. We did double time marching to a Queen song it went on and were dieing by the end. When our instructor said thought it was going on a long time 12 mins. 😱Youngest member is in her early 50's oldest nearly 93 . I am 66. Been doing it since 2018 but with this class 2 years this month .
My husband would laugh his socks off me liking exercise but it's helped me . Should say he died nearly 21 years ago aged 47. But that's life you just have to live your life to the full no what ifs or if onlies .
I am sorry to hear that you are developing a keloid scar after your surgery - these can be uncomfortable initially and of course they look more obvious than normal scars, which can be distressing.
There may be a wound care nurse specialist at the hospital who could advise you or who your nurse could consult- also there is some information here The good news is that the stinging and discomfort tend to ease off once the growth phase is over, but it still leaves an unpleasant scar.
Hi Bowlsnut - firstly, Happy New Year! After a triple bypass in 2022 my scar can still get quite 'red' occasionally, is still slightly raised in parts and can get a little tight & stingy sometimes, especially in the cold. I didn't have stitches, my main chest wound at the time was held together with Dermabond tape - that raised a few jokes at the time with the family - I was sellotaped together again 😂, but it did seem to leave a smaller scar with none of the little dots at the sides where stitches would have been.
Immediately after the op, I only used unperfumed shower gel and soap which really helped at the time, I still use them in fact as some of them can be really gentle and moisturising. Sanex have a great range and M&S have some nice ones too. I tried all sorts of creams and oils at the beginning, but they didn't really help and I found Bio Oil to be too 'stingy'. Last year my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiography and is, thankfully, now clear.☺️ After her op one of the nurses in the cancer centre recommended "Cetraben" cream to help with her scar and told her that this is what they recommend their patients use. I ordered some from Amazon and found it to be really good at easing the stingyness and tightness when it flares up. The blurb on the packet says it's "for dry, itchy & eczema prone skin"- might be worth a try and it's not really expensive either.
Try not to look at it as a 'scar' (awful word), think of it as evidence to celebrate everything you've been through and how clever your body is at healing. I'm quite proud of mine!☺️ Sending you every best wish. Carol
Thankyou , I will take your advise and go to the chemist . Best wishes Angela
It's always worth a try, Angela - I'd've tried anything at the time! It didn't take my scar away obviously, but it did help a bit with the tightness and stinginess. I meant to say, if you're out and about in this cold weather, it's always a good idea to wear a scarf and tuck the ends down the front of your coat over your chest. The cold weather's renowned for irritating our wounds as well. I'd so many clothes on going to work this morning, I could hardly move and that was just driving the car! 😂 Carol ☺️
Castor oil will sort your scars out. Get it from Amazon but make sure it's in a dark glass bottle, and not plastic. It's good for other things too, Google and YouTube will explain. I'm never without it.
After my PM op (and I realise the scar is nowhere as bad as yours), I decided to use Arniva cream for bruising, and macerated Comfrey oil for healing, and Homoeopthic Arnica as well, I wish I had also used Homoeopathic Comfrey, but forgot. The small scar is now barely discernable.