So I went back to work today! Only getting a third of my teaching back this term and everyone treating me like eggshells and amazed I can even stand up, but it felt good to be more or less ‘normal’. My SCA was in Feb and this forum has been a big part of getting my head around things - thanks all! Bill
Back in harness...: So I went back to... - British Heart Fou...
Back in harness...
Glad your back at work!
Great to hear you’re back at work. I don’t know what an SCA is but don’t overdo it. One step at a time.
Ah nostalgia! That phrase "in harness"! Only public sector workers use it. Luckily I escaped my harness (33 years working for central government) over 10 years ago and have always enjoyed my harness-free retirement. Hope your return to the harness goes well. Looks like they are looking after you just fine.
Well done you!
A third is probably enough for now, teaching can be stressful but I’m sure it’s good to get a bit of normality back.
Congratulations on great progress! Returning to work is a big step forward. We all help each other and without being aware you are helping those who you work with as well as your students that we can overcome life’s difficulties and come out stronger for it.
All the Best!
Summer will soon be here, time flies, don't be too anxious to get all of your teachings back, I'm sure that after the holidays you will be back into it with a vengeance. Your colleagues will eventually stop treating you with kid-gloves, they just don't know yet how well you are. I too do not know what SCA is, personally, I hate acronyms and always complain with people who use them in meetings without using the full term first, its a bad habit with the young I find. Anyway enjoy the gentle break into work, it could be worse!
Great news Scout that you are back in harness at your day job. I like many others suffered an out of blue SCA (sudden cardiac arrest) Poor prognosis 3 yrs ago but quad bypass and implant ICD later feel absolutely great. Am in Scotland on a break at present 🏴 as tomorrow is our Golden Wedding Anniversary. Looking forward to our activity based holiday. Best Wishes for future!