THE JOURNEY STARTS HERE.........LIFES... - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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Ticktock61 profile image
59 Replies

Where do I start ......... here goes

Since mid jJanuary I’ve been experiencing a tightness and discomfort in my chest and shortness of breath quite wheezy when breathing feeling bunged up and a cough at night which is stopping me sleeping properly I thought I’d picked up a virus like you do but when it didn’t go away and it was getting worse I went to see my GP early February and he told me he didn’t think it was a virus and it may be something to do with my recent heart valve replacement and my medications for my heart that I’m on so he got on the phone to a Cardiologist and arranged an appointment for me to see him on Within a few days I told him about my symptoms and he checked me over and arranged to have some blood taken and arranged an echo of my heart and new valve he asked me loads of questions if I was married did I have kids or grandkids any pets etc etc and I told him I’d got a new puppy. My blood tests and the echo on my valve were fine although my heart rate and blood pressure were higher than normal which concerned him . He then said I may be allergic to dogs . I told him there was no way I was allergic to dogs as I’d had dogs all my life and never had problems and it’s only the last three years that I haven’t had a dog. He said allergy’s can start anytime in your life and as I’m certain medication I’m more susceptible after my heart surgery than I was before to virus’s and other health issues. So he sent me to have a skin prick test to see if I was allergic to dogs and the results were positive I’m now apparently allergic to dog allergens.

We discussed what I should do and I suggested taking antihistamines but he said I can’t as they can cause heart palpitations and would mess up the effectiveness of my medications especially the Beta Blocke Bisoprolol I’m taking I asked for an alternative and he said I could get allergen injections although he wouldn’t advise it as they are weekly to start with and then monthly after 3-5 months and it can take between 3-5 years to have any effect and there are side effects as you are injected with the very thing you are allergic too to build up your resistance which can sometimes make the symptoms worse. He said if it was him in my position with my heart condition and meds he’d rehome the dog.

I left feeling devastated and sat in the car park and cried then said to myself fuck it I’ll have the injections. On Tuesday I spoke to my family and friends about the results and they were all telling me I needed to put my health first and listen to the cardiologist. I didn’t sleep at all that night going over everything in my head as my heart was telling me one thing and my head another .

On Tuesday my head was a complete shed but it was telling me that after everything I’ve been through with heart surgery and the fact I’ve survived it and been given a second chance I had no option but to let Skye go which the thought of was killing me . I emailed the lovely couple who had bred her in Kent and explained the situation and straight away without hesitation they said we will take her back, she can come home to us and we will keep her. After lots of messaging and a couple of weeks later we arranged to meet half way at Peterborough Services.The time leading up to our meeting was horrendous lots of tears lots of anger but I didn’t have a choice in the matter as the cardiologist said it would get worse and I could eventually become asthmatic and need to use inhalers and all this would put undue pressure on my heart. To hand her over to was really tuff but I know they love her and will give her a great home and that’s my only consolation in this whole fucking mess

The photo above was taken on our last walk together ....we all keep in touch regularly and she lives in the house with two older dogs as she’s house trained they’ve said she will be entered in some championship shows later this year I’m going to go to the open air ones to watch her as I’m sure she will do really well

The handover happened a couple of weeks ago but I haven’t been able to post anything untill now . The lovely Zena sent me a message asking how I was and that she had been thinking of me and Skye when she was watching Crufts so Zena you’ve spurrred me on to get this off my chest thank you sweetheart

The positives from this experience are that all my symptoms have now dissapered after a massive cleanup at home Skye is with an amazing couple who bred her and love her as much as me and she’s happy

The morale I suppose is don’t take anything for granted in this life live it to the max enjoy the highs accept the knocks but don’t let them break you there’s always something good just waiting around the corner. Positivity rules my friends 👍👍

I needed to get away so I’m currently sat in East Midlands Airpirt waiting to go to Tenerife hope your all doing well and your lives are filled with loads of positives and joy

Pete xxx

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Ticktock61 profile image
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59 Replies
Zena166 profile image

Hi Pete I am so so sorry to hear your story. It’s a crock of sh*t. What a traumatic time for you after everything. I’m glad you have posted about it and remember you are going through the grieving process and it will take time. Try and relax on holiday sending big hugs and lots of love. Zena xxx

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Zena166

Cheers Zena I will ....

hugs and kisses back babe xx

Nic25 profile image

Oh Pete mate. I'm so sorry. That's crap. But main thing as you say is Skye is loved and safe and you're healthy again. But of all the things to have happened after all you've been through. Bloody have a blinder in Tenerife (within reason of course!) as you completely deserve it. Nic x

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Nic25

Hi Nic

Thank you so much I intend too

Pete xx

Calliope153 profile image

No words but a big hug.

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Calliope153

Thank you so much

Pete x

Mirador19 profile image

Sorry to hear you had to give Skye away but I agree your health comes first and it will be great if you can see her in any open-air shows she is entered into. Have a good holiday Pete and maybe you can come up with a hobby that will keep both mind and body active.

Joan x

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Mirador19

Hi Joan

I’m going to do some voluntary work when I get back don’t know what yet but it will happen

Pete x

Mirador19 profile image
Mirador19 in reply to Ticktock61

That sounds good Pete,keep us updated.

Pitt12345 profile image
Pitt12345 in reply to Ticktock61

Hi Pete. So sorry to hear this. You mention voluntary work. I work in a charity shop, sorting clothes is one of the things I have to do. I would think you should avoid that as quite often clothes come in which are covered in dog hais and perhaps that would affect you. Hope you have a great holiday

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Pitt12345

Hi thanks for the tip I’ll bear that in mind and thank you for your kind words

Pete x

Nathan53 profile image

Hi Pete - Life can be such a double edged sword at times. Allergy was the last thing on your mind. I think you are wise to have a change of scene and hope you can get some rest and enjoy the lovely warmth and sunshine of Tenerife. Thinking of you.

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Nathan53

Yes I agree thanks for your kind words

Pete x

sue2002 profile image

Sorry you've had to do this but well done to Skye's breeder for taking her back.

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to sue2002

They are a wonderful couple and their dogs are their life. Skye is back home with her doggy mom and dad and her first human mom and dad so all’s well in an otherwise shitty situation

Pete x

AndtH profile image

Hi Pete, So sorry for you. I gave my dog up after my AVR she became hard work and I felt so unwell. Now I miss her every day and that's after 5 years. Have a good holiday, I will send you a few photo's when you get back. Life dishes some shit out.

Blessings, Andy 💖

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to AndtH

Awwwh sorry to hear that Andy I know exactly what you had to go through and it’s tuff

Take care my friend

Pete x

invictaAlec profile image

Hi Pete, sorry to read your story.

For what its worth I think you've done the right thing. Try to think only positively about all the benefits that having Skye brought you, even though it was only for a short period of time.

I've certainly learned something reading your post i.e. developing an allergy later in life to something that hasn't previously affected you. I'm sitting here eyeing up Mogg (our cat) suspiciously!!

All the best mate.


Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to invictaAlec

Lol 😂😂

Thanks Alec for your kind words it means a lot

Pete x

Hi Pete

What a time you have had . Such a hard decision for you to make , but definitely the right one .Sounds like Skye is having a great time and at least you know she's safe and loved .

I hope you have a lovely time away try to relax .Your family love you and so do the lovely people on this site .

Take care and as you say enjoy every single day.

Sending you a big hug and lots of love


Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to

Thanks Gill

People on this site are so supportive and like everyone else on here I’m so glad I found it

It’s 23 degrees and I’m starting to chill now I’ve arrived a quick shower then I’m out to have fun

Pete x

wee-sharrie19 profile image

Aww sorry to hear about rehoming Skye. 😢 But I guess you have got the best possible outcome (Skye back with her family to love and care for her) out of a crap situation, honestly who would have thought that could happen??

Have followed your posts since getting AVR and always appreciate the honesty and positive views. So keep doing what you do, enjoy your hols and I am sure when you get home you you will throw yourself into volunteering!

Looking forward to hearing the next chapter.

Take care -X-

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to wee-sharrie19

Hi Wee-Sharrie19

Your right I was so lucky where she’s gone they are truly lovely genuine people whom I can now call friends

Volunteering is at the top of my list I’d like to go into hospitals snd talk to people who have just come in awaiting AVR surgery I know it would have helped me it would feel like giving something back does that make sense 😀😀

Pete x

Andie1975 profile image

I teared up reading this, how bloody cruel. I got a puppy after my MI and know how much your pup would have meant to you. So reassuring to know the pup is going back to the breeder but still really difficult for you. Everything happens for a reason they say and I do believe that. Know that regardless of where the dog resides now, her soul has an attachment to you and the love you gave her during the short time you spent together stays with her.

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Andie1975

You’ve got me .......I’m tearing up reading your comment but your right I would have sooner had a short time with her than nothing at all she stole my heart and she will always be my baby

Pete x

sims789 profile image

Pete, I’m truly sorry to hear you have needed to return Skye to her ‘birth’ family but good that you’ll be able to closely follow her progress and know she’s loved and well cared for. You would make an excellent heart ambassador- in hospitals or raising awareness through charities such Heart Valve Voice. Def contact them on your return.

Jan 😘

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to sims789

Hi Jan

Never heard of Heart Valve Voice I’ll google it on my return I’d love to do it as I know I’m a very positive person but at the same time I don’t wrap things in cotton wool and honesty means a lot to people ........ I know because it’s one of the qualities I admire in people but I’m also quite diplomatic believe it or not

Fingers crossed

Pete x

Astromeria profile image

I'm really upset to hear that you have had to give Skye up. I also got a puppy in January and I know how they can very quickly find a place in your heart. Mines a cocker poo and doesn't shed much hair and are suppose to be low in allergens. I've not been feeling great, a bit breathless too but I've put it down to puppy pulling on the lead and agrivating my chest scar. But I will get checked out now just in case there are other reasons. Have fun in Tenneriff. Salud.

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Astromeria

Oh my god I hope it’s not same as me I must be the exception to the rule .... hope your negative and spend many happy years with your beautiful Cockerpoo

Pete xx

Prada47 profile image

Bon Voyage and don't forget Tenerife is great for Banyans. please post as soon as your back and let us know how you went on. Tiger Tops all round .

Don't forget Once Navy Always Navy

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Prada47

What the hell are banyans .... am I ignorant or us this just you knowing fashion

Pete xx

Sending you massive hugs. That must have been so heartbreaking for you. Your little Skye will be so well looked after and you can see her whenever you want, Im sure. Lots of love to you x

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Stephanie_heart632

Thank you Stephanie

My only solice is that they live her as much as me and I loved her more than life itself so I’m content that this lovely couple cherish her as she’s a star and has a big future in front of her

Thank you

Pete xx

Stephanie_heart632 profile image
Stephanie_heart632 in reply to Ticktock61

That makes it so much more bearable. Take lots of care xxx

Prada47 profile image

Banyan = BBQ on a beach !!

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Prada47

Oh I thought it was a bit more sexy than that lol😂😂

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Ticktock61

All depends on who else is invited to the Banyan LOL

daisy2311 profile image

How terribly sad... I am an animal lover so can completely understand what a heart breaking this situation is for you. When we are unwell, we feel particularly vulnerable, so this is a big blow for you....but you can certainly take some comfort that Skye has a good home and that you can keep track of her progress, which is great.

A holiday sounds a great idea and just what the doctor ordered! Enjoy it and take some time just for you.

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to daisy2311

Hi Daisy

My plan exactly thank you for your kind words as I can see you get it !!!!

Pete x

DebbiB28 profile image

Wow! That started my day with a tear but I'll be thinking of you in Tenerife! (Flying is one of my own hurdles I have yet to face). Very best wishes. x

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to DebbiB28

Hi Debbie

Sorry for making you cry I think I’m all out of tears

I’m just about coming to terms with the fact that she couldn’t be anywhere better and she’s happy now I just need to get myself happy also 👍

Pete xx

DebbiB28 profile image
DebbiB28 in reply to Ticktock61

You have done all you can for her. Hope you are enjoying your break and there is better ahead for you.

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to DebbiB28

Cheers babe xx

Tippytwo profile image

Omg , I am so sorry I am an animal mad person, it also would have broken my heart to be honest it’s hurting now .for you 💔💔💔😢....oh sorry bit inappropriate there , but mentally I mean ,

I hope you have a lovely holiday Pete


Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Tippytwo

Hi Sue

Thank you so much your comments mean a lot to me I know it was the right decision but it’s still tuff to do she’s so far away I’m in Yorkshire she’s in Kent I can’t just nip round for a cuddle ........ but maybe that’s a good thing in some ways

Pete xx

Tippytwo profile image
Tippytwo in reply to Ticktock61

Gosh she is far away isn’t she, yes maybe it’s for the best, but I am glad you are feeling better physically, Could you do dog walking ? for a Charity,? As you would be outside..? Silly to think that you could .sorry ... I still think about my lovely , friend, partner in crime , she died 10 yrs ago age 16.... I still miss her😢xx

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Tippytwo

Outside dog walking not a bad idea really I’ll give it some thought I rescued a border collie German Shepard cross from an animal sanctuary 20 odd years ago I called her molly I had her for 17 years she was the sweetest most intelligent dog I’ve ever met and and like you I really miss her .......

Pete x

Healthyheart1 profile image

Just been reading all your posts, sorry to hear about Skye, they fill a big hole. Have a great holiday in tenerife and look forward to your volunteering work when you get back. Best wishes.

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Healthyheart1

Thank you so much yes volunteering will be a distraction and a bonus if I can help someone in their hour of need

Pete xx

Healthyheart1 profile image
Healthyheart1 in reply to Ticktock61

I'm sure you will your an inspiration. Now go and enjoy.

kentishbunny1 profile image

Sorry to hear your story, life can be shitty at times. Its all been said on here, your health must come first and with your lovely dog back with his doggy family that is a good compromise. I feel for you though, have a good holiday, relax in the sun, def do the hospital visits, to valve patients sounds like you might be the perfect person for that job ! Take care

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to kentishbunny1

Thank you I hope so if I can help one person through this difficult journey it will be worth it and I’ll go home feeling great so it’s a win win situation for me

Pete xx

Gundoglady profile image

So sorry to hear this x.

Huge hugs to you, I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel x I know I would be devastated if I had to re-home my boys x

Have a Fab break x

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Gundoglady

Thank you sweetheart I knew you’d get it !!! She’s here in my heart and she will always be there My Molly who died 7 years ago is now sharing my heart with Skye they would have been great pals if I’d had them together without my allergy of course

I’m sure there will be something really positive to come out of this ........ if you look hard enough you’ll always find a positive that outlays the negatives in life

Pete xx

Qualipop profile image

Oh you poor soul. I can't imagine anything worsethan having to give up your dog. I've had dogs for 53 years and they have been my lifeline. Back inteh 80s I was teaching when I suddenly developed swollen eyes, wheezing etc. The upshot was I'd suddenly become allergic to the small animals in the classroom, guinea pig, mice, hamsters. EVentually it was also birds and snakes and cats , even snakes but never my dogs. Oddly that lasted for about 10 years when I suddenly found I could be in the same room as my friend's parrot and gradually all the allergies went away. SO don't lose hope. It may not be forever. A pet allergy is caused by the dander on their skin not by their hair. Some breeds have very little dander especially nordic breeds which also have no doggy smell so it may be worth trying to spend a little time with a different breed to see if you react. I suppose in the end your health has to come first but I know how devastated you must be.

dunestar profile image

So sorry Pete not to have commented earlier but while you are on Tenerife I've just got back from Madeira on a phone off holiday and am catching up.

I'm just gobsmacked about Skye and really don't know what to say. Such a kick in the goolies after all you've been through. Sending you lots of positive thoughts.

Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to dunestar

Awwh that’s ok hope you had a great holiday yes it’s been tough but I’ve now got my head around it and am looking for my next adventure xx

Routemaster profile image

So sorry to hear your news, Pete.

This might not help at all -in fact it might be the last thing that you would want to do - but a number of our friends have had their lives transformed by having guide dogs. You can sponsor a puppy for training to become a guide dog.

I can remember our old family doctor telling my mother (about fifty years ago!) that you can use the same washing powder every day and then suddenly become allergic to it. I had desensitising injections when I was young with near fatal results so I am sure that you have made the right decision.

Good luck with the volunteering.


Ticktock61 profile image
Ticktock61 in reply to Routemaster

Yes Ive heard that from a couple of people so glad I didn’t go for those. It’s one of life’s little traumas that we all have to deal with but it’s sad as we’d really bonded and had loads planned but my recent conversations with her first mom and dad is that she’s doing great looking fantastic and really happy so I’m happy for her

Pete x

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