My last post was at 4pm yesterday and a lot has happened since then it’s now 8.30am on Wednesday 5th the date of my operation .
As you know I had a CT scan with contrast done yesterday eventually after it was booked at the wrong hospital but it all got sorted . My surgeon wasn’t in the hospital yesterday but looked at my CT scan remotely and sent one of his team to see me at 6.30pm last night. Unfortunately the CT scan has shown there is a growth below my breast bone which has enlarged a gland and the surgeon will need to remove some of it or all of it to be able to access my valve properly he won’t know how much until he opens me up . As you can imagine I was absolutely devastated and broke down and cried . Not what you want to hear this close to your operation, they are going to send a biopsy to the lab while I’m under the anaesthetic, my mind went into overdrive and started fearing the worse and I got myself quite stressed phoning my best mate with the crap news. He was really supportive and said all the right things but to be honest I wasn’t really there in the moment my mind was off on tangents. So I decided to go for a walk around the hospital corridors to calm down and on my return a Male nurse told me to go and shave everywhere my chest arms legs groin etc you have to stand on a sheet in the shower room to catch the hairs and it’s an electric razor. He said pull the cord once I’d done before I had a shower as he needed to check everywhere that I was hair free so I did what I was told and pulled the cord expecting the Male nurse to arrive but it was the ward sister who’s a bit of a joker who says I remind her of “Nigel forage” so I opened the door in all my naked glory and she said “ oh it’s naked Nigel “ and she checked me everywhere and let me get a shower to be honest that bit of humour couldn’t have come at a better time it kind of calmed me down and put things back in perspective a little to the point that I made myself start thinking that I can’t change whats happening so I may as well try to accept it.
I was given medication to help me sleep as I hadn’t slept the night before and they were worried that the news I’d just been given would keep me awake all night so I took the tablet and slept from about 10.30 to 3.15 sleep was only affected by me needing a wee ........ then I dropped off again only to be woken at 5.30am for my early breakfast ..... weetabix with hot milk and a hot chocolate . 7.30 am Aneathatist came to see me and fully explained what he would be doing today he’s told me after my op I’ll go to the recovery unit for a few hours still sedated whilst all my vitals are monitored then they will bring me round and once they are happy with how things are reading they will transfer me to HDU then probably back onto the ward sometime on Friday
So I’m now just waiting for things to happen I’m told it will be between 12pm and 1pm when I go down to theatre
So this will be my last post probably till the weekend thank you all for your tremendous support and kind words it’s meant a great deal and really helped
Pete ❤️