Got a real stinker of a head cold and sore throat, not sure what to take to relive it. On Clopidogrel, Aspirin, Amlodipine, Atorvastatin. Any suggestions please.
Got A Stinker of a Head Cold - British Heart Fou...
Got A Stinker of a Head Cold

Need to ask a pharmacist if you want over the counter remedies. Other the n that honey & lemon helps relieve symptons

Don't buy the cold/flu remedies that dry things up. They increase BP not good for us hearties.
Try Jakesmans throat sweets in various flavours - you can get them in Boots, Homebagfains or S'Bury. Riccola herbal sugar free sweets also good. Gargle with warm salt and water 1tsp salt to glass of water. Inhale steam and take paracetamol. I would avoid cough medicines etc. Drink lots of fluid. Hope you feel better soon. If you develop temp or develop cough with discoloured phlgem see GP.
Honey is a natural antibiotic & inflammatory & has been used for hundred of years in medicine. Better to use the natural sort rather than the supermarket stuff though
Each to their own but I certainly wouldn't be going against tried & trusted nor taking dietary advice which is against BHF advice, it's kept my husband alive for 21 years & hopefully will keep him alive for another 21 years. Having said that I'm sure rakeman is capable of making his own decisions
They're using leeches again!
Unfortunately there is no cure for a cold so you will have to let it run its course. Take paracetamol for aches and pains, stay well hydrated (hot drinks best but water is fine). Hot toddy at bedtime may help sleep. Inhaling steam can help clear your head, if only for a short while. Rest and keep warm. All standard advice for a cold.
Hi have found extra strong mints or airwaves chewing gum can help relieve blocked noses. My day (ex army) once told me the trick to clearing airways is to have a sandwich with as much raw onion in as possible , it works! Onion is a powerful food in the fight against colds and flu. I also put vicks vapour rub on feet as recommended by a friend ( dont ask me why but this works for my daughter and that makes for a happy household 😄😄) can be used alongside paracetamol, honey, Lemon and salt mouth rinse and jakemans throat sweets. Hope you feel better soon.
The best things I've found to relieve tickly cough and being bunged up are Fishermans Friends.
Inhale steam from obas oil in hot water Vicks on chest helps head cold too Good luck !
Inhaling steam with a drop of eucalyptus 3 times a day, works every time 🙂
Hi Rakeman. Got exactly the same as you and am on the same drugs as you.
Chesty cough and coloured phlegm! Our GP said it's not an infection so we're weathering the storm (wife is really bad too).
Both GP and pharmacist recommend paracetamol and plenty of fluids (not alcohol!).
An old remedy to ease symptoms is a few menthol crystals in hot water, a towel over your head and breath in the steamy minty vapour - helps clear the head a bit.
The pharmacist also said Vapo rub which I guess he means Vicks. A really good standby and should be in everyone's cupboard!
Lezzers recommended honey and lemon - you can't beat it. Honey has some amazing antiseptic properties.
All the very best
I drink brandy when I've got a cold.It doesn't cure it,but you don't half feel

Sounds good to me.
Sorry you are poorly, I am on similar meds and take x2 paracetamol every four hours, sip hot drinks - the old favourites are hot water honey and lemon. Wrap up and stick your head in a cheesy film or book. It is a matter of coddling yourself, wishing you to be better soon
Thanks Dawn.