At the age of 74, I Joined the triple and valve club (heart bypass) on 10th December 2020, St Thomas’ London. Cardioversion required to settle things down. Discharged 20th December 2020.
A visit to my local hospital on 24th December 2020, breathing difficulties. CT scan showed blood clot on lungs.
The story to skip forward to June 2022, breathing problems had continued since my procedure. Slightest exertion found breathing still difficult. No one listened to my problems, paid to go private. Had another scan, from this scan it was decided that it could be asbestos or diaphragmatic disease, no blood clot.
Seeing various specialist, it was decided that bypass and valve were fine, no asbestos or diaphragmatic disease, discharged from clinic with exactly the same problems I started with. During the various tests, it was shown that my lung capacity had decreased to 68%, the scan below showed partially missing lung, no explanation given.
Basically told to go away, don’t bother us again. My daily quality of life is now rubbish, can’t walk any distances, can’t go up flight of stairs without getting out of breath, palpitations can last for hours, but doesn’t happen every time, legs feeling heavy when walking. This is now my medication list.