Hi, I mentioned in my last post getting travel insurance, thank you all for the responses detailing where I might try. Saga gave me a quite of £700 for a two week holiday in Spain. I was trying to get an annual policy. Has anyone else attempted to get cover after a heart attack and angioplasty? Is there an optimum time following treatment when premiums are more reasonable? I had my heart attack and treatment four weeks ago. Many thanks. Johnyp.
Travel insurance post heart attack - British Heart Fou...
Travel insurance post heart attack

The impression I got is about three months providing there are no ongoing investigations. An annual policy for Europe might be reasnoble but world wide might be difficult. I just hope the EHIC card does not disappear next March as this would up premiums!
Hi. johnyp - I had a NSTEMI in April of this year resulting in 2 stents. In Sept I got annual cover with All Clear for £163.00 Europe only.
Hi anything after 6 weeks as per their usual questionnaire. I got mine worldwide from the post office.
Good luck with recovery
You might like to look at EHICPLUS.COM ,an online travel insurance co.
They will not insure you for private treatment but they do insure should god forbid
you need to be brought home ie medical plane.Until things change in Europe as long
as you make sure you attend the public doctors or hospital,then treatment is free as long as you have an EHIC card
I have used them a lot and they are well worth a look.
Travel insurance is a pet hate of mine as it is nothing but blatant robbery
in the majority of cases.
Hope this helps
Usually they ask if you have had any procedures during the last six months. So four weeks for you is maybe why it's so high. Good luck.