Hi, when, once again researching for any new info on Takotsubo, HealthUnlocked was listed as a source of support/info. My first takotsubo was 12.25.2010, and my second was 05.25.2018 and I don't feel safe in the hands of cardiologists in the US who continue to treat this type of heart attack in the same manner as they treat a heart attck due to high BP, blockages, etc. I am concerned their 'treatment' is going to kill me, not the heart attack. I've voice my concern, not sure if the ears were deaf.
Takotsubo heart attack: Hi, when, once... - British Heart Fou...
Takotsubo heart attack

Hi beverley4
I also live with an under recognised and understood condition.
We are very fortunate that the BHF funds so much reseach into heart and circulatory problems including rarer conditions.
Dr Dana Dawson is a BHF funded researcher into this condition.
I hope this helps.
I am sure someone else with the lived experience of Takostubo syndrome will be along soon to share their experiences.
hi Beverley4 - i was diagnosed with Takotsubo in 2014 - contrary to what the medics say it does not always resolve completely and i am one of the many who has ongoing issues - if you check out the information on the BHF site (bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo... you will find a link to a facebook support group - there are members from all round the world and plenty of information
I have also finally been diagnosed with Takotsubo . I believe I had several episodes when we lived in Southern CA. The Dr's there are the worst. We now live in Oregon this last year . I am also worried that they treat it like a heart attack especially with BP medicine.. I normally have low blood pressure and they always give it to me then it goes real low. I hope you have checked out the support group they are really helping me. I would like to go to the UK to be treated for this I believe they are more aware of it. Be Well😊
Hello . I am under Dr Alex Lyons at the Royal Brompton hospital in London . I had a Takotsubo event after radiotherapy. He runs a Takotsubo support group on Facebook and website takotsubo.net which is great . Hope you can get to see him