Wondering if anyone is taking coq10, Hubbie is 6 weeks post opp from quad bypass and I've been told on other groups that they are a benefit whilst taking statins. Thankyou 💕
Views on coq10 post opp.: Wondering if... - British Heart Fou...
Views on coq10 post opp.

This was discussed on the forum recently - sorry I can't post link on this device. The jury is definitely out on this one. When I tried them my conclusion was that they were expensive and ineffective. I would rather buy fruit gums!
Hi my cardio rehab nurse recommended these for statin pain. In my case they made no difference at all, but then we all react to drugs / supplements in a different way. They are exoensive, but if you can just try them you have nothing to lose. Good luck with hubbies recovery. I wish you both well
Hi I have found they give my energy a boost being I have stopped taking for a while and did notice that difference, and as said they do help when taking statins but best you google it and make up your own mind, I recently purchased them from Costco 300mg also from these. pharmanord.co.uk/all-produc...
best of luck.
Hi, I take Q10 in the form of Ubiquinol which is the purest form. I purchase them from Natures Best online. I have heart failure which was too bad for a bypass and have 3 months ago had an ICD which is fantastic. The capsules I am positive give me more energy, Ihave been taking them for a couple of years. Best to read up on it. They did a 2 year trial in Canada and the results were positive for heart patients. Hope this is helpful. Good luck for the future. Vanessa
I have been taking CoQ10 for 20 years. I took them for years and didn't feel the benefit so I stopped taking them. After a few days I started feeling much more tired. After a few weeks of that I started taking them again and the tiredness went away.
Research Ubiquinol to see if they would be more suitable for you.
Shop for them on Amazon to get the best price.
More importantly, is he eating a healthy diet? Does he smoke?
CoQ10 is something of a perennial topic here. The jury really is out on whether or not it does you any good in terms of dealing with the issues associated with taking statins - most 'evidence' is anecdotal in nature (or being pushed by sellers - a bit 'snake oil' in my view). By the same token I have seen nothing to suggest it is anyway harmful. I'm not a lover of supplements so have never tried it myself and you can see from the responses that there is a variety of views as to whether it 'works' or not. Give it a try, if it works then great, if it doesn't no harm done (just a few pounds lost). As Jimmyq (a proponent of CoQ10) said in his reply, its most important that your husband has a healthy and varied diet and doesn't smoke (if indeed he does smoke). I think we would all echo that piece of advice. Supplements should always be viewed as additive and not in anyway a replacement for a healthy lifestyle.
I had a bypass nearly 5 years ago, had been taking statins for 9 years prior to needing the surgery. My conclusions after research is that as statins deplete CoQ10 (and stains didn’t prevent my atherosclerosis progressing to the pint of needing the bypass) then my best option is to stop taking the statins which I did 1 year after my bypass. I still check all my blood markers and am happy with them even though my TC and LDL has increased my HDL and Triglycerides are good as are my ratios.
My fasting blood glucose was 4.3 and Triglycerides 1.01 18 months after my bypass while still on statins and my latest Triglycerides was 1.08 in March nearly 2 years after stopping statins. I haven’t had a fasting glucose since stopping but would not have expected it to change. My latest TC is 5.76 up from 3.77, LDL 2.85 up from 2.11, HDL 2.42 unchanged from 2.44, TRI/HDL 0.45 similar to 0.54 previously, and TC/HDL 2.38 unchanged form 2.34.