Hi , wondering if anyone has experience with taking CoQ10 with a statin as well as blood thinner, specifically Plavix? Prior to having a stent placed in April, I was on a statin only and have read that you should take CoQ10. My cardiologist said take it or don’t take it it doesn’t really matter. It’s not going to hurt you one way or the other but basically a waste of money. After having my stent placed, I was put on Plavix and daily aspirin yesterday I picked up some CoQ10 and didn’t notice until I got home and it says not to take, without speaking with your doctor, if you are on blood thinners. Apparently this can make blood thinners less effective. will not take be taking it but was hopeful it may give me some relief from muscle pain caused from statins… Even though my cardiologist says that’s not a thing… It’s an imagined/ suggested pain people get because they read it is a side effect of statins. As I’m quite new to all of this, I’m just looking for comments or suggestions from others who have more experience than I do . Thank you
coq10 use for statin muscle pain - British Heart Fou...
coq10 use for statin muscle pain

The normal advice to anyone taking or considering taking any supplement in addition to medication, is to ask a health professional for direction due to potential interactions. So I suggest you go talk to your local pharmacist who will be far more qualified to answer your question, rather than the vast majority of community members who, like me, have few or no health professional qualifications, and can only draw on their own experiences which may not give the correct advice for your own circumstances.
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I understand that and I do rely on my pharmacist for a lot of questions that I may have regarding my medication. I will not be taking the CoQ10, but I was simply wondering if anyone else has used it and found it to be beneficial with statin muscle pain.
It might be better to investigate with your physician, irrespective of what he/she thinks, trialling another statin which might eliminate the statin muscle pain you believe you are suffering, since some statins do not give pain compared to others, all dependant upon who you are and your personal reaction. There are several to try, and typically from what people say on here switching from atorvastatin to rosuvastatin appears to work for some. But if you are statin intolerant due to side effects and need medication to manage cholesterol, there are other form of medication available, such as ezetimibe.
Good suggestion from lowerfield. Iv it helps I tried cq10 and didn't notice any change so I think I would agree with your cardiologist.
The nhs site seems to say more research needed nhs.uk/medicines/atorvastat... and i dont know of any trials.
Good Morning
When I was first seen at a Lipid Clinic, the specialist told me to take VitaminD when I started on statins . She said many people’s aches and pains could be caused by low vitD levels but they may attribute them to statins. She said taking it ruled that possibility out. My blood test showed I was on the low side . It was January in UK so no recent natural vitD. Being in Canada you may also struggle to maintain your vitD.
I am fortunate in not having had any issues with the dose I’m on and it has really lowered my cholesterol when years of careful eating and exercise had not made significant difference, but I understand that higher doses can cause muscle pains.
I have not been told to take CoQ10 although I have read about it. I do, however, have a Linwoods Flaxseed mix which has it in, I doubt in sufficient quantity to make any noticeable impact.
hi there, thank you for your reply. I do take approximately 5000 units of vitamin D daily. My vitamin D has always been low. I don’t absorb it properly. I do take many other supplements such as magnesium and collagen and turmeric, for inflammation. I was originally on Lipitor and then switched to Crestor, and I agree with other posters that the Crestor seems to better for the muscle aches. I am on 20 mg of Crestor and will have my blood work done in about a month. I’m hoping that I will not have to increase the dosage. Have a great day.
I had a stent fitted last December and since then have been prescribed Plavix in addition to warfarin which I have been taking for five years. I have high cholesterol but the usual statins raised my triglycerides so at present just take Ezitembi. A friend who has been taking statins since a mini stroke last year experienced muscle pains initially but said after changing the time of day she took the medication, the pains gradually disappeared.
Thank you so much for your reply… I had no idea that statins could raise triglycerides. Another thing to worry about. I will ask my doctor about that. Luckily, I have a very good family doctor who is on top of things
I have taken COQ10 since I was started on Statins. Apparently, Statins affect the production of COQ10 and also your body makes less of it, as you get older. I am on Edoxaban anti coagulant and it’s perfectly ok with that. I have never suffered from muscle pain, from the Statins either.
Hi, after HA in April I was put on 80mg Atorvastatin, terrible leg pain, switched to 20mg Rosuvastatin and not much better. Just started on 5mg Rosuvastatin and coq10 and so far so good (but I may need statin dose increasing if cholesterol levels don't drop , I am also dieting to help too ) In terms of Coq10 I think the issue is with warfarin, Im on Ticagrelor and am told that is fine to take the coq10 with.