I went to my GP with chest pain that I had been suffering from for a few months. The pain was on the right side of my chest and apart from one incident where it REALLY hurt, mostly it started in both sides of my jaw, then spread to both armpits and finally felt like I had just smoked too much. It would come on when I was walking and if I stopped and took deep breaths it would ease up.
The delay in going to the GP was because I was travelling all over the world. At one point I had Pneumonia and had been on antibiotics for that so I thought it was a hangover from that. I saw a chemist in the Middle East who gave me GTN. I used it and it worked.
Fast forward to the GP... They did an ECG, saw some abnormalities and referred me to a Chest Pain Clinic. I went to the chest pain clinic expecting a couple of hours of tests. They did one ECG, rushed me to A&E and I got admitted for 8 days. In that time they put me on lots of different drugs, did an Echocardiogram which was clear, tested me for every travellers disease/illness you can think of and finally did an Angiogram. The Angiogram showed a Total Coronary Occlusion of the right coronary artery. They were looking to do a PCI CTO there and then but stopped because it would take too long.
I've been told that I am now an elective patient rather than an emergency. I was given times of 1 week to 5 weeks of when I can expect the CTO but I have no real date which is a little stressful in itself as I cant plan my life at the moment as my work involves travel and I am self employed. I've been out of hospital for just over a week so this could just be me being impatient and I'm not the kind of person who ever visits doctors or hospitals. I'm a little inexperienced with the NHS.
I guess part of this is just me needing to talk because at 49 this was very unexpected. I'm on a pile of drugs which for someone who took no regular drugs I'm finding difficult. Medications are now:
Nitrolingual Pump Spray Glyceryl Trinitrate; Lansoprazole 30mg; Clopidogrel 75mg; Bisoprolol 5mg; Amlodipine 5mg; Aspirin 75mg; Atorvastatin 80mg
How did you deal with what happened to you?
Has anyone had a PCI TCO? I'm led to believe that it's a bit of a longer Angiogram/Angioplasty and that's it and that basically its the new CABG. Can anyone tell me any different?