I was diagnosed with coronary spasm earlier this year with the spasm bringing about a heart attack. Coronary spasm was diagnosed during the angiogram. After several months the medications seemed to be settling down with the spasms diminishing once I had been prescribed Isosorbide Mononitrate. But throughout this period I would have instances where my nose and mouth went numb (a bit like recovering from an injection after seeing the dentist) with a persistent tingling pain going down to my chest from my jaw with the tingling also around my ear and behind my eye. This happened if I over exerted myself.
I was on Ramipril from the very beginning of the treatment following the heart attack. But this gave me a nagging cough. I saw a cardiologist privately (impossible to get NHS appointment) and he suggested that the ramipril be replaced by losartan. This was put in place about 3 weeks ago.
The good news is that the coughing ceased.
The bad news is that the numbness around my mouth and nose persisted as did the tingling pain going down from my jaw to my chest. This is now present all the time and not linked to over exertion. I tried doubling the losartan dosage (25mg to 50mg) but this hasn't really made a difference.
My question is whether the numbness is linked to the coronary spasm. In my mind they are all linked but the cardiologist thought the numbness in the face was possibly migrainous in origin. I have never suffered from migraines in the past and it seems too coincidental for the two symptoms to be triggered at the same time.
I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow to discuss this but in the brief telephone conversation this morning his mind went towards nerves.