Hiya my friends,
My blood pressure has been playing up last couple of weeks.
I was meant to go for an eye test today due to the high blood pressure.
I thought just last night about the previous couple of days. That the blurred vision and dizziness had subsided quite alot. Also my sleeping times between the usual waking through the night, had extended.
So I was beginning to feel like the slightly higher dose of ramerpril that I was given from the out of hours Gp a couple of weeks ago, from 2.5 - 5mg was now beginning to work.
I am far to dizzy to travel evan the shortest distance, therefore had to change appointment. Thankfully the girl on the phone was really obliging. I have got the next one on Sat morning, so my fella can take me and supervise my safety lol....
I spoke to a doctor on the phone a little while ago. Too dizzy to be there within the hour, so got an appointment 2moz. I have a blood pressure unit, therefore can monitor it from home. I told him I know the high BP can sometimes be a case of the WCS when one is feeling a little stressed or anxious. But how does this account for the head pressure, headaches, cloggy earaches and dizziness? It can't all be in my mind for the last couple of weeks.
I was admitted for a few hours to the BRI last week with these same issues. But because I also told them breathing was a struggle and I was getting throbbing chest pains, tinnitus, palpations as well. I think they were just consontrating on my heart issues. Evan though they didn't do the usual blood tests they do when they suspect heart issues.
No the blood they did take were the usual kidney, liver and whatever else they look for bloods that they do for everyone.
Evan though every blood pressure reading they did was high. The registrar said there was noughing showing up in the bloods. Therefore there was nothing wrong with me. She was explaining what she felt the issue was. I said so what, are you trying to say it is a case of white coat cindrun. She said it's a possibility. That I should monitor my diet and more exorcise.
My diet is pretty good on the whole, I walk a lot of miles and I keep pretty busy around the house. Obviously not enough I guess.
Got to take blood pressure on the hour every hour, untill I see this yet another new doctor. Hmmmm...
If you have managed to read through this long message guys, well done.
So my friends what I wondered was, with high or low blood pressure, do you guys have simula simptons.
Sorry I forgot, apparently there are no simptons with blood pressure issues?
So I will put that question another way.
When you are suffering high or low BP, do you find that sometimes you also seem to be suffering one or more of the above?
Simptons from above:
Throbbing chest pains,
Breathing issues,
Head pressure,
Blurred vision,
Because I am sure that these are all simptons that get worse when blood pressure is up or down.
Maybe I am wrong, maybe it is all in my mind? Hmmmm....
Thanks in advance Jo 😊