Hi all feeling really down had to rush in to a & e heart rate went up doctors checked said not having heart attack send home said see your heart Doctor.its been over a month i am still sore/ pain/very tired all the time can feel my heart murmur flutter. since I had the pacemaker fitted i am feeling worse then before.
feeling down: Hi all feeling really... - British Heart Fou...
feeling down

Hello, sorry to hear you've been feeling so unwell. I don't know if this will be the case with you, but my pacemaker used to cause my diaphragm to flutter/spasm when I first had it fitted and it felt very unpleasant and rather like my heart was going all over the place. Could this be contributing to your symptoms, do you think? My issue was resolved by tweaking the pacemaker settings slightly, so very straightforward and non-invasive.
Hope you get to the bottom of things and start to feel better soon. A month is a long time to be in pain. All the best x
Hi Laura thank you for your reply just don't understand what is happening doctors in a@e didn't want to know said see heart Doctor my next appointment is 2 months away. where they put pacemaker in that is still sore /pain in that area feeling very tired all the time legs feel like led heavy headache i can carry on sorry thank you
I would ring your cardiology dept and explain your symptoms and see if they can get you in to see the cardiologist sooner. Like Laura says, it could be something as simple as tweaking the settings but all it's doing at the moment is making you more stressed.
I agree with Wendy - maybe you CAN carry on like this, but really you shouldn't, not for two more months. I would push to see someone (preferably cardiologist) much sooner. If you can't get an appointment with your cardiologist, see your GP. Sometimes these issues are easily resolved (with a slight tweak to medications or device settings) but you need to keep banging on until someone listens and investigates properly. I know that's tough to do when you are feeling so rubbish, but it's important.
I do remember my pacemaker site being sore/tender for a lot longer than I had expected. It did settle down eventually and now I don't notice it at all. Hopefully yours will settle soon too. Good luck.
i have spoken to them just waiting for them to get back to me. i normaley don't get stressed out but this is taking it out of me, thank you .
Hi A bid.. .. when I left hospital they gave me phone numbers for the IC D nurses whom I can call if I have worries/ issues 're my device. I am 5 weeks in and have used this service a couple of times already. They always call back and it's easier and quicker than getting hold of dr's. I am sure they would arrange for you to come in to get things checked. And as Laura said it could be a case of tweaking your device. Good luck
Hi i have been trying to get through to them no reply yet last night was bad stomach pain vomiting legs like led heart all over feeling very weak lack of strength. reading other posts here and my symptoms i could be having reaction to bisoprolol i am on 2.5 a day i will see how it goes today if worse than trip to a@e thank you.
Hello Abid
It's not easy when someone says " don't worry " but and there is always a but if the A & E Dr was happy with your condition that should be a reassurance. I was always told if you are in A & E and need Cardiology you will get it. It may be an ANP in Cardiology or a Cardiologist, but if the A & E Dr was happy that hopefully would be your reassurance.
Like other have said an ICD Nurse should be able to check your pacer and adjust should it be required.
One thing I have learnt along the way is that should an ICD Nurse or Heart Failure Nurse have any worries they have direct contact to Cardiology and tend to know what to do !!!
Frank W
Sorry to hear this abid123.
I can’t help ou I’m afraid but wish you well and hope you feel better soon.
Dory ❤️💕❣️
Hi Abid, my advice to you is to get off the Bisoprolol, it nearly killed me.I had the same symptoms that you describe and it was only when I came off that horrible drug that the symptoms disappeared.They do not agree with everyone and some people can react very badly to them.I know you posted 8 months ago so hopefully you will have sorted out the problem by now but perhaps this will help someone else who happens to come upon this as I did today.