My most annoying post CABG issue is problems with ectopic beats/PVCs etc.. I get them everyday and not little ones you hardly notice, they are frequent and quite distracting. Sure I have soreness still in my chest which I expected since I had a double mammary artery bypass but these premature and missed beats drive me a little insane! I really hope they settle in time, literature I've read says this stuff usually settles in 4 weeks, I'm now nearly at 6 weeks but I know everyone is different.
5 1/2 weeks post CABG and still PVCs ... - British Heart Fou...
5 1/2 weeks post CABG and still PVCs etc..

Afternoon, have you mentioned these to your gp? Doesn't sound quite right to me along with your other issues maybe worth a chat with either your gp or one of the BHF nurses
Hi there - I agree with chatting to your GP as they might be able to tweak your medications. If you're on bisoprolol this can be increased anything up to 10mg a day depending on your blood pressure.
Thanks, Chris

I'm asthmatic so not on bisolprolol. I'm taking Diltiazem and Ivabradine at the moment. I have mentioned it to the gp but no solution was offered. I'm back there Tuesday I'll raise the query again.
Have you had your postop follow up. You have been through an awful amount of health problems on top of your CABG. If I was in your shoes I would tell either cardiologist or GP that you want checking out throughly to rule out any underlying health problems.
It's all a bit complicated. My gp is leaving our surgery, he's a German guy and the whole Brexit fiasco has forced him to consider his future so he's back off to Germany. Very disappointing as he knows my history having dealt with me for 5 or more years. I'm due a follow up with the heart surgeon around 10 to 12 weeks post op... I'm currently almost 6 weeks. Tomorrow I'm at hospital to have the chest lump investigated at a breast cancer clinic, then Tuesday Gp to discuss my abdominal pains, Wednesday a different Gp to go over results from cancer clinic and discuss my medication post CABG. Friday I start cardiac rehab. So a busy week.... unfortunately today I feel pretty rough, weak, shaky, lightheaded. BP is ok though, HR has been a tad lower than normal for me but actually nearer what it should be. Guess.
OMG, don't you have enough to contend with. I do hope that the tests for cancer are negative. Just getting over heart surgery is enough on its own. I'm having an OK day, bit of pain, but nothing compared to you. It's sad that your doctor is leaving as the relationship you build up is so important. But you seem in good hands at the practice. It does take a long while to recover and with the setbacks even more so. I think just supporting or ranting helps on here helps. Positively, though my cardiologist said the outlook for bypass is a very good one. So I am holding him to that. Lol. Let me know how you get on this week with all your results. I was prescribed this cream by cardiologist called Capasicin only on prescription, it doen't work for everyone, but it has taken that hot stinging pain away from around my scar. Try to rest and allow yourself some time. I am 18 weeks post op and was told that the recovery can take up to a year. I don't try think that far ahead,but when I look back now I can see how far I have come. Hope this helps.