Does this sound like psoriasis to you? - Beyond Psoriasis

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Does this sound like psoriasis to you?

Seenie profile image
2 Replies

I have Psoriatic Disease: psoriasis (mild) with arthritis (severe). Now my sister is showing arthritis symptoms. She also has undiagnosed itchy flaky "stuff" in her ears. She has been to a rheumatologist, who has said that a diagnosis of "psoriasis" will nail a PsA diagnosis.

She went to an ENT doc about another problem. He looked at her ears and said "definitely psoriasis". He claimed to be an authority, because he has psoriasis himself.

Then she went to a dermatologist who said "Maybe psoriasis, maybe not" but would not commit even though she knew that another diagnosis hung on her opinion.

Questions for you:

Should my sis seek another dermatology opinion? Has anyone here ever had two derms give different opinions on their psoriasis?

Do you have psoriasis in your ears? Is there anything you think she should know about that?

This is really frustrating: sis, meanwhile is feeling awful. What a difficult disease this is to diagnose!

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2 Replies

Hello there Seenie!

Well I have psoriasis in my ears. It came along with a general psoriasis flare-up, flare up is now long gone but the ear psoriasis remains. So I doubt very much that it is anything other than psoriasis, that would be one hell of a coincidence. I had 4 dermatologists arguing over my flare-up, perhaps 'dithering' is more accurate. Possibilities considered were discoid lupus, alopecia areata (scalp), eczema, fungus and skin cancer (patch on arm). Eventual diagnosis: it was all psoriasis. Of course my eventual diagnosis was aided by the fact that I already had psoriatic arthritis which makes the dithering even more mind-boggling. Is your sis receiving any treatment at all at the moment? I was told that my psoriasis presented atypically and the biopsy of the patch on my arm came back as 'partially treated' psoriasis, hence the atypical presentation. I'm on Humira & Mtx but perhaps even NSAIDs could influence the appearance of the skin disease?? I'm not sure. There again, psoriasis often doesn't look like the pictures in the text books, of that I am sure.

Your sister needs to go through as many derms as it takes, poor lady. She needs to become a dermatologist junkie till one of the blighters comes up with the goods.

I have PS in my ears as well an that worries me as if you put ointment in your ears the plaque goes in towards the eardrum. I was supposed to have a spray for my ears I was given Devonex ointment. Any suggestions ??


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