I am currently receiving treatment by a Dermatologist and I was wondering if anyone is receiving treatment at the Ottawa Hospital Clinic. I am considering it as an option.
Thanks for any feedback.
I am currently receiving treatment by a Dermatologist and I was wondering if anyone is receiving treatment at the Ottawa Hospital Clinic. I am considering it as an option.
Thanks for any feedback.
Sorry but I live in the uk, but didn't want you to think no one is reading! Hopefully someone will be along soon you lives in your area to help you.
Thanks. Just never sure if this is actually being read.
Oh yes, we hear you! It's so important to find doctors you really trust who can get things moving. I hope you can find others who have experience of this hospital. If you can't then maybe give them a try anyway.
I sought a second opinion for PsA, what a palaver that was! A long wait for a referral, then a long-ish journey to see the new consultant. We stayed over night at a hotel 'cos it was an early appointment .... not much rest! In fact me & my husband spent most of the night sitting in the car talking so I didn't make much sense at the appointment (nothing new there!). But it was 100% worth it, such a good rheumatologist and I've had very thoughtful, prompt, proactive treatment ever since.
Thanks for the positive encouragement. I have got a second opinion now but still not 100% confident with my dermatologist. I just keep thinking there is more that can be done...granted my situation is mild but I worry about the summer months when we are wearing less clothes.
If your psoriasis really is mild (I sometimes wonder whether 'mild' means 'I put up with anyway!') how are you doing with the moisturising etc.?
When my psoriasis was bad I felt overwhelmed, nothing seemed to help. But now that it has calmed down I am really pleased with how well the emollient I use works on the small-ish patches that are left.
I am trying to moisturize twice a day. Since I started that...things are better.