Anyone have or had psoriasis on the palms of your hands?
Psoriasis : Anyone have or had psoriasis on... - Beyond Psoriasis

Yes! It's devil isn't it? It's so difficult to protect the skin there unless you have servants!
Mine has calmed down now but I have rough, sore, sensitive skin on the heels of both palms. I used Balneum cream on them at night and try to remember to use washing up gloves for as many water-based tasks as possible.

Thank you for responding. I will look for Balneum cream!
Yes, I have had psoriasis on the palms of both hands for the past 45years. Have tried the drug approach but gave up due to the side effects, as I only have it on my palms it seems a bit of overkill! I find keeping it moisturised is the most important treatment, with sparing steroid ointment nightly and PUVA light treatment every 2-3years to keep it in check. I find other people's responses to seeing it most upsetting, I think they think that it might be catching!!
Thank you for your response. I am using methotrexate and humira . The humira put my psoriasis in remission for a couple of years but seems to be flarring up. Have had it everywhere but only the nails were envolved before. This is the first with the palms . Painful and ugly looking. Thanks for the tip on moisturizer.
Yes I have it now, I try and not use the creams like Betnovate etc personally I use E45 or Epaderm. Remember to clean your hands when preparing food all the creams can be bad to remove, I sometimes use cloves in the kitchen
Have suffered it on my hands now for over thirty years.
When bathing I use a shower or bath gel that contains a good quality skin softener, I also use some that contain honey, that seems to act as a good skin treatment.

Thanks! I appreciate you taking the time. Will give it a try!
Yes i did it was bad . went on uv lights gone for 4 years now
yes got it on hands well all over now for last couple of years but now i can't hide it anymore
now got it on my chin,:(((
Hi yes i have pustular psoriasis on the palms of my hands and bottom of my feet, its very painful and itchy!
I have local pustular psoriasis under my one foot. It peels and peels and sometimes gets sore and itchy. It looks terrible. I am on Methetrexate but it doesn't help!!!