my sister lost her husband in October last year and is really struggling. Her eldest son lives with her and is supportive, he’s 30. I lost my husband 10 yrs ago and so able to reassure her what she’s going through and her pain is ‘normal’ She has said she couldn’t have got through some days without me being there. ’I’m glad to be there for her. Shes gone back to work a couple weeks ago and picked up every bug and cold going making her feel rotten and then last night her landlord rang her to say he’s selling the house when her contract is up end March! I can only imagine her pain with that. I’ve offered my house as their home too but it’s 2up 2down but it’s here for them. Her memories and comfort/security is there in her home and now she has to move. That’s bad enough but she’s just not ready to leave those memories. She’s so upset and didn’t sleep last night. Her txt this morning was more positive but it’ll hit her again as grief and upset does at any time. I’ve tried to give advice and she knows I’m here 24/7 but she’s not ready for a new start. Bless her heart and my poor nephew too. Thank you for reading. Take care 🦊x
feeling my sisters pain : my sister... - Bereavement Care ...
feeling my sisters pain
Hello Hidden
Oh my, this is so distressing for your sister and nephew and you!
Loss of a loved one is so hard to cope with and then to be faced with illness and the loss of the home you shared is really so very difficult.
Thank goodness they have you for support and who understands what they are going through x
Thinking of you all at this heartbreaking time x
likewise. Thank you. I have mentioned this support forum to my sister but she’s not ready yet. 🦊x
So awful for you all. It’s so hard supporting someone going through grief. I know mine took its toll on my family & close friends. I had no idea at the time & now can’t thank them enough.
Make sure you take time for yourself Big Hugs
thank you for your kind words. Just glad I can be there for them and for all on here too 🦊x
It's a cruel thing, when all your memories are tied up in the place, and only 2 months? Shocking.
I thought the Government had put a stop to No fault evictions. Might be a thought to enquire further on that. Not sure where to, but would be worth a try. There are unethical ways to avoid eviction, I have heard, but best to get some pro help (C.A,B) maybe, or a solicitor if you can afford it.
Cheers, Midori
thank you for your kind words and advice. It’s a private let and her contract isn’t being renewed so I think it’s quite legal, the house is now up for sale but some good news she has been able to find another one, bit more expensive but what isn’t these days and it’s near to me which is one comfort. She’s trying to be positive but has moments of absolute grief and distress most days. She sat and held his urn crying when the estate agent showed viewers round last weekend. She’s gone off sick again and I don’t blame her. My nephew is supportive but he’s finding it all stressful on top of losing his dad. She said if he hadn’t been there she would have killed herself. We’ve all been there, something has kept us here and helped us work through those indescribably painful first few months. Take care all 🦊x