Today,10-12 is 5 years since my dad passed from cirrhosis. I miss him sooooo much. He was 63. He struggled with alcohol addiction and couldn’t beat his addiction or he’d still be here today. Oh how I wish he could know my son, his first grandchild who just turned 2! Love you dad and miss you. Photo of him and I on my wedding 8-25-12.
5 years since my dad passed - Bereavement Care ...
5 years since my dad passed
I lost my mother to alcohol, and sadly my Dad died at 56 5 years before my wedding. It always hits us harder near all those special dates. Just keep your happy memories alive and keep talking to him, his spirit will be listening 💖
Thank you and I’m sorry for your losses as well. How long ago did you loose your mom and how old?
My mother died in 2018 aged 62, almost 63, my Dad in 2014 aged 56.
Weirdly memories hit me just this past weekend; we got a new fridge and I had to remove all the photo magnets I'd made after losing my Dad. Seeing myself as a vulnerable child and him, those happy memories really hit me hard again. He was such a gentle soul, the world doesn't know what it lost 💔
Yes that’s how I feel. 💜
At the start I wanted to rage at random people just going about their lives... how could they not know!? How could the days just keep passing? It hurt to see older couples walking hand in hand... he never even reached 60...60!!! It does, honestly, get easier. It also brings home the fact that we never, ever know what's happening in someone else's life. How could we? It teaches us to try (we're only human) to be more gentle with others and understanding.
Anniversaries are hard aren’t they. Even though I always tell myself it’s just another day,somehow it just isn’t. What a beautiful picture. Hold on to the good memories.
Take care x
I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your dad must have been an amazing man, addiction aside, as I can feel the love you have for him through your words and your beautiful photo.
Beautiful photo, thank you for sharing a glimpse of such a splendid day. Your son will feel the love your father imparted on you through all your loving interactions.
Yes, our parent’s generation feels so exceptional to us. I adopted (virtually of course) Queen Elizabeth as parental replacements. The tabloids are saying she is now under doctor’s orders to cut out those cocktail(s). I am betting she dutifully will!
hope photos like this can help ease some of your pain and not dwell on the issues he had.I was always dwelling on how my losses passed but now it`s less regular mainly on anniversaries like yourself.god bless your dear dad you and all the family.