Hello everyone,
Have you any ideas for activities that distract our thoughts? I love to hear from you.
Hello everyone,
Have you any ideas for activities that distract our thoughts? I love to hear from you.
im no good at this mind you but someone said to me get out into the outdoors and learn to paint some beautiful scenery.
Now one of the most useful distractions I have found are having a jigsaw 'on the go.' Now I laughed when a friend suggested this to me, but I get so immersed in a puzzle once I start I have difficulty tearing myself away!
Works every time for me,
Lottie x
something else that does interest me.when someone passes like a mum/dad gran/granda you start to think of there past.i wouldn't mind trying to discover my family tree on both sides see how far I could go back.my mums family are from Sligo and my granddad was a soldier in the war and got a medal for bravery.he took a bullet close to the heart saving other soldiers and died 5 years later due to his wounds.thats all I know about them I would love to know more.
That's a fabulous idea Kenny kenster1 Excellent, a really positive way to commemorate a loved ones life. Wish I'd thought of that
Hi kenster1 I too have always had a desire to search my family tree but do not really know where to start. If you do decide to go ahead please do let me know any tips you have.
I wish you luck with your quest when you do decide to go ahead.
Lottie x
For me, that depends on what I'm trying to distract my attention from grabbing. But on a dry day, my favourite distraction is gardening. Working very slowly across my long bed, patiently pulling up all the little weeds, tending any plants for dead leaves or flowers and then just moving along.
My 2nd distraction, especially in the evenings when I can lie down is slow classical music. Maybe Beethoven or Berlioz. So long as it holds my attention it can distract me for many hours.
A little light meditation can sometimes distract me for 30 minutes or more= and there's lots of that stuff on youtube.