Hi all i had weekend from hell .... Mr B Hasn't is in flare mood and the oh got passed again. and wrote off car last night....so he made decision for me he has to go...Mr B Hasn't hasn't beaten me and none of this will either..fingers crossed
Happy Monday!!: Hi all i had weekend from hell... - Behçet's UK
Happy Monday!!

crossed in comradeship xxx
Hi Ruth it might be one less worry - BD is a big enough problem on its own!
Thinking of you - Lesley
Lots of lovely things said already so its hard to be original but I think "ditto Lesley" and be selfish and think about yourself for a while. Sometimes I hunker down and ignore the world since BD and it does help me de-stress. Also sending you a (((((((HUG))))))))) Jill xx
Thats another thumbs up for your decidsion from me then !
You don't need someone around thats just gonna act like a comlete arsehole when your not well hun.
Take care,
big hugs xx
That's right, I agree with everyone else. There comes a time when you deffo are better off on your own! Here speaks the voice of experience.
My ex-hubby made my life and our childrens' lives miserable. It was hard going after I told him to go, 'cos the children were quite young (5 and 11) but it was so much less stressful without him.
Now over 30 years later, I am committing myself to another man who is the antithesis of my first husband, and the children have grown up and prospered, and I am looking forward to a new life, so things will get better for you.
Remember, when you are at the bottom of the pit, the only way is up.
Love and best wishes xxxx
Thank you all so much kindness is something that i had forgotten exists my trust has been shattered but you guys are restoring my faith in humanity!!
My Mother in Law and Brother in Law arrived on Monday for a weeks visit, they are staying in a B&B but I had them out yesterday for the day and dinner...it was lovely to see them but hard at the same time. Hubby came with them and we all had dinner together...my poor 11 year was in bits when they left kept asking me to let Daddy come back to live with us and was not chuffed when i said no...he is amazingly mature though in some ways and said sorry later for getting angry with me as he know it is not my fault and that i am not in the wrong....that made me cry..
At least the atmosphere in the house is now calm if not happy but we will get there..one day at a time. x