The tiredness associated with this disease is so disabling. When I think the work I did as a self employed writer and therapist. Now on benefits and struggling. Life seems so hopeless at times and I was always the cheery one.
Tiredness: The tiredness associated with this... - Behçet's UK
I hate feeling like this ll the time nothing seems to help. I HATE BEHCETTS. people say you look well but if only they knew how disabling this illness is .
I know how you feel, I am so tired all the time lately. Been having a few problems with my consultant changing my meds. My bloods (mcv) are now up to 110 my white cells are low, and my neutraphils are low too. Pains every where and bowel, don't get me started on that, and again "you look really well" argh !!!!
I'm on Azathiaprine, Methotrexate before this and my doc has just stopped my sufazalazine and I have really noticed this stopping my joints are getting very bad. Can't wait to see her again beginning of next month.
The tiredness is a killer! It's so frustrating because I used to surf, be in a band, work a fast paced job and go out all of the time. Now I do none of the above, except work a slower paced job and I am still exhausted!! I am 23 and have finished my college course, I did not have the energy to go out when I was in college. Not supposed to be like this in my TWENTIES
I just came off a 6 week course of steroids and don't want any more medication (feel like I am a zombie with all the meds!)
I am taking a break from work at the moment (so broke!!) but I need some rest as I was in hospital in April and have been off sick since. Can't see how I am going to go back. My symptoms seem to worsen when I work as I manage the place....but I cannot live off nothing
I have only recently been diagnosed and was asked whether I was tired and of course I said yes...but I am a working mum self-employed, running my own business with a 2 year old to run around after.
It was only when I was told to make a diary of my symptoms that it became apparent that the times when I am so so tired are the times when I am also struggling with ulcers and other symptoms. Maybe it is linked after all
Hi Jazzy
Someone asked what was my worst symptom. I would have to say tiredness (along with pain etc. etc.) I also work as a writer and am almost too tired to do that. Also I'm starting to have trouble spelling (which is very embarrasing).