Hi all,
I only posted recently regarding cervical ulcers and joint pain etc! But just have another question regarding genital ulcers and stuff down there! Apologies in advance if this is tmi... But I don't know who else to ask whilst I wait for my next CoE appointment in a few weeks time! Went to my doc and have been referred urgently to gynecology... That's not until August!
So I've found that the last 3 times after having sex (when we eventually can when I'm not suffering with everything!), I have developed an ulcer in the exact same place the following day. I'm not sure if this is just pure coincidence that it has happened each time and in the same place. Has anyone else experienced this?
Also, has anyone else also had a deep tissue biopsy down there that is affecting things in the bedroom?! I had one in January and thing's are definitely not the same down there now... There's like a weird skin flap that has developed (possibly due to a stitch falling out I think) and it makes sex painful and uncomfortable now anyway, so it's not an enjoyable experience for me anyway now due to that! Then the ulcer appearing after as well. Makes me not want to bother doing anything, which is then starting to cause tension with my partner! He has been super understanding most of the time, but says he feels like it's ground hog day and we keep going round in circles!
Thanks again in advance. I appreciate any help and advice you all give me! X