Hi all! New to this forum, great to see this community for this horrible and widely misunderstood condition.
I've been diagnosed with Behcets for almost 4 years now and am in my mid 20s having dealt with symptoms all my life, and in the past 2 years or so I have had random bouts of stiffness in the joint of my big toe (on either foot, the bit where it juts out, the elbow of the foot if you will) but usually it subsides after a few days.
I'm having a particularly bad episode, following two weeks of incredibly big and painful mouth ulcers and erythema nodosum on my opposite leg to where the foot swelling is. The pain in my foot has now grown the entire side of the foot, and has now gone up to my calf, to the point where it's painful to touch. I'm wearing compression socks and its still incredibly stiff and difficult to move.
I saw an emergency doctor and was prescribed naproxen, and have reluctantly bought a walking stick, am going to look into being registered disabled and looking at assistance with helping pay for my prescription as this is affecting my daily life quite seriously when I do have flares. The doctor thinks it's Behcets, but says I should rule out gout and arthritis too. I'm just wondering two things:
1) if anyone has experienced this similar stiffness in their leg and foot, i know joint swelling is a common Behcets symptom but not read much on this and the pain travelling to other areas
2) how their experience has been on naproxen, how quickly it takes to kick in. i've have to take 3 tablets a day for a week. also been prescribed pills to avoid gastritis and stomach ulcers
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! (also if you live in London I am looking to set up a Behcets support network for the city, not sure if this already exists)