Does anyone have a good routine for coping with the fatigue that comes with Behcet’s?? I work in an ER and am in the medical field and my 12 hour shifts have really been draining me. I am recovering from having the flu and have just not regained my energy so I’m sure that’s a factor. Any advice?
Crippling fatigue: Does anyone have a good... - Behçet's UK
Crippling fatigue
I’m not sure where you are, but I took caffeine pills called “wake ups” whenever I needed a push to get through long days at work, then once I get home rest as much as you can! Hope you start feeling better soon
I am not on corticosteroids on a regular basis but I sometimes take prednisolone for a few days, if I am flaring but need to keep going for a special occasion. I take very small doses, 3mg on day 1, 5mg on day 2 split into 2 doses, 3mg on day 3. I never take it for more than 3 days. It quells the flare symptoms and gives me a very definite fatigue-lifting energy boost. I am not currently on any other drugs for the Behcets.
Some years ago I had constant fatigue problems. I discovered that a boiled sweet would give me a 'drip' of sugar energy that was much more useful than the surge n slump of a cake or energy bar. Also, as another poster said, caffeine. But again, in small regular doses to avoid the slump. I used to carry a little flask and have a shot every hour or so. Of course, I would not advocate such things every day - but it was this protocol that would get me through classes 2 days a week during bad spells.
I’d say pacing but you're in a fast moving and stressful environment. Have you ever seen BreathWorks? They have a mindfulness for health book etc and I also just picked up an app called Mind Ease from one of their recommendations. I’ve found creating small windows for me inbetween work activities has helped, I’ve been told no guaranteed fixes for fatigue unfortunately. Anyhow hope that’s a useful source.