does your groin constantly hurt? I feel like my groin is always inflamed and something is always grabbing me. I also been getting more blood in my urine but no one seems worried and says i am making more then im losing so no big deal... Anyone find a solution to that.
Constant groin pain (male): does your groin... - Behçet's UK
Constant groin pain (male)

Really RayRay121 that's not good enough, you need a answer to the blood in your urine, I was told in my twenties that if I ever ever got blood in my urine to not leave it and get it checked out to find where it is coming from, this could be why you are having groin pain. Please ask to be referred this cannot be right. Have they scanned you for kidney stones, checked your urine for infection.
As far as your groin pain is concerned, I am female, have you been check for inguinal hernia, I had a hidden inguinal hernia that was eventually discovered after an emergency admission and CT scan. The hernia was from omentum not bowel or intestines etc. The omentum kept going in and out of the hole and because more and more went through the hole this is why it eventually got so bad. The only way I got any relief was from laying down, raising my legs. So every time I went to get checked the omentum had slipped back through the hole and was therefore not palpable which is what the Drs rely on for diagnosis. Once diagnosed I was told I was not an emergency, even though I was experiencing the symptoms every day and every day I was having to lie down, was told I might have a 6-12 month wait for surgery. In the end I decided to pay privately and attended the British hernia clinic in London for day surgeryto repair the hernia, the surgeon was not able to find the hernia the day before surgery, luckily for me I had requested a copy of my CD scan from the NHS, once he had seen this and reviewed by the head radiologist my surgery went ahead the following day. The surgeon told me he had never not been able to palpably feel a hernia in over 2 decades and he carries out over 3,000 hernia operations a year.
So I have no idea if you experience any relief from your groin symptoms on laying down, if you can feel anything when the pain in bad, I know mine was a hidden hernia and rare in women, the fact it was omentum, which we all have, was the reason it kept easing when I lay down, the anaesthetists took a photograph during surgery and the omentum had come through the hole by the time I had surgery and was not able to slip back through the hole and measured 9 inches... no wonder I was in so much pain.
Please dont let them tell you it's nothing. Gillian
The presence of blood in the urine means that bleeding is occurring somewhere in the genito-urinary tract. In men, those organs include the kidneys, ureters, the prostate gland, the bladder, and the urethra. The most common causes of hematuria are kidney and bladder stone.
Very bad pain in sides, lower back or groin that comes and goes, unable to lie still, feeling sick
Contrary to the following I have read that in 4% of inguinal hernia cases blood in the urine is found.
Found this might be helpful:
Blood in Urine Symptoms
Blood in the urine is itself a symptom rather than a disease. The appearance of the urine is usually not a clue as to the cause.
In gross hematuria (blood in your urine), the urine appears pinkish, red, or smoky brown (like cola or tea). There may be small blood clots. The amount of blood in the urine does not indicate the seriousness of the condition.
In microscopic hematuria, the urine appears normal.
Many people with hematuria have no other symptoms. Other symptoms are related to the underlying cause of the bleeding.
Pain in the flank, back, or lower belly (abdomen) or groin
Burning sensation or pain when urinating (dysuria)
Nausea or vomiting
Weight loss
Decreased appetite
Kidney stones: Not all people with kidney stones have all of these symptoms.
Pain, often severe, in the flank, back, or lower abdominal pain that may radiate to the groin area
Nausea and vomiting
Normal temperature usually
Frequent urination
Burning sensation with urination
Restlessness - Constant moving around (writhing) to find relief from pain
Urinary tract infection: Symptoms may be similar to those or kidney stones.
Pain in lower back, flank, lower abdomen, or groin - May be severe but not enough to cause writhing
Fever with or without chills
More frequent urination
Sensation of having to urinate but little urine produced (urgency)
Burning sensation or pain with urination
Cloudy urine - Due to pus in the urine.
Hey, Ray. I actually tested abnormally in a recent urinalysis for an over abundance of white blood cells. It’s important to determine which type of blood is present. White will typically imply that an infection is present somewhere. Red implies an injury of some sort. Also, they asked me to submit a second sample but to wash the end of my penis with a genital soap cloth to ensure that the blood cells could not have come from outside the urinary tract. Ask if that’s possible to use. I had a testicular injury as a youth called a testicular torsion and, subsequently, had torsion reversal surgery, so I sometimes have errant blood in my urine anyways. The possibilities are not as cut and dry as you may think. Hope it helps.
Ive been having groin pain too but I haven't been diagnosed with Behcet's yet. It feels like a bruise over my pubic bone. I just had 2 back to back uti's and have had blood in my urine on and off for 5 yrs. Cystoscopy doesn't show anything. Im due for another. Right now Im being treated for seronegative RA. I have mouth sores, acne like lesions (which one dermo said was psychological not acne), no acne treatment has helped so far. I also get sore in my nose. Wish I had an answer for you but at least you know there are other's like you.
I know I’m going off on a tangent here. LilyRose stand your ground! I was also told that the acne like lesions on my face and legs was psychological and in some cases I was causing the lesions myself. In time I was diagnosed with Behçet’s with the added complication of fat necrosis. Hope that helps. Ray, being female I can’t help you out here but I wonder if it could be something to do with an inflammation of the veins which could occur anywhere in the body.
Yes like lilly they ahve done many tests and found nothing. I feel it like all my viens are being closed off and that feels like someone hit me with a bat and im all bruised. Just hate not being believed
Im in the same position and was grateful for Gillian sharing her information. I still don't have answers but see the rheum on Monday. I think its actually coming from my hip. I have no idea if this possible relates to you. The blood in the urine is a totally separate, but likely NOT issue actually! I had blood in my urine the past four times and they ignored it. I think bc it was "trace" they let it go.