Does anyone have trigeminal neuralgia? I woke up with the classic symptoms 2 days ago and it is not going away, it is so painful. I'm reading that it is mostly due to a swollen blood vessel pressing on the I'm thinking it is then associated with Behcet's. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!
trigeminal neuralgia: Does anyone have... - Behçet's UK
trigeminal neuralgia

Yes, unfortunately I have it attacking my spinal column and right wrist that I experience involuntary tremors in the wrist/hand.
Yes. It comes and goes. Some days it hurts really bad, others like a nagging tingling and some days it goes away. Stress seems to trigger the worst pain. Not like any of us are ever under any stress. Best of luck.
Hi Chrissymeg,
I've suffered with Trigeminal Neuralgia for the last 12 years, excruciating headaches that last for days, i am seeing the Nuero team next month as i have started to loose feeling in left hand and forearm
My Rhuemy who referred me back to Neurologists wants to see if it could now be down too Behcets involvement
I was originally told after MRI scan i had a lesion which was causing it
Hope you find answers
Thank you Kev!