Hi all new poster here, currently being assessed by a Specialist at James Cook Hospital who is leaning towards BD.
I currently have really bad ulceration on my lips, gums, tongue and the inside of my mouth. I also have itchy 'spots' on each elbow as well as down my legs and feet. Oh yeah and my 'bits' are currently blood red.
Have been having flare-ups for 4 years now. I have lost 5 jobs during this time and a 7 year relationship. Its safe to say it has now got to the point where i'm mentally done in. I was meant to be starting a new job a week gone monday, and you guessed it, 2 days before i was meant to start and my mouth explodes with ulcers.
Anyway i'll get to the point. 3 month ago i had a flare up, at the time i was seeing an oral specialist who prescribed me Fluconazole ( An oral tablet for oral fungal infections) Within hours of taking my 1st tablet half my ulcers were gone, a few days later they all were. It was the 1st time in 8 month i had no ulcers.
This lasted for 3 month before i had this flare up. The Fluconazole has had absolutely no effect. I have now reluctantly started back on the Prednisolone (I'd happily never take them again).
I guess i'm looking to see if this is common...has anyone on here had a similar situation?
Also, generally i have found that periods of high stress, or lack of sleep along with a minor illness such as a cold or even just a cut can cause a flare up. They normally last 3-6 weeks.
Sorry for the essay just looking for a bit advice. Doctor is definitely leaning towards Behcets and i guess whats bothering me the most is it will confirm (like the last 4 years) that i will pretty much have to give up on a career.
Thanks for reading the essay ha.