Hi. Work keep making me go to staff overnighters. These these are 4 hour round trips, and the meetings go on into the evening. Every time I go I come back utterly drained and flare up, not to mention that we all travel in the same car and Being on immunosuppressants means I pick up every sniffle they all have. I've been very open about my illness and treatment with them, I've made it very clear that I've taken this job on a part time basis because when I'm drained it's difficult to bounce back. The next one is planned for October. Can I tell them I'm not going?
Travelling for work. : Hi. Work keep making me... - Behçet's UK
Travelling for work.

I would hope you could. Why not call your local job centre and explain the situation and find out your rights. Then you can speak with your manager and take it from there. I wish you a good outcome.
Yes - tell them you are not going. Listen to your body. It is late nights / working too much that cause me to flare.
Does your workplace have an occupational health or wellbeing dept? If not do you belong to a union? Or is there any information your docs or consultants could send to your workplace? It's difficult for people not involved to know how the disease affects sufferers, especially when often you can look so 'well' or 'normal'. I feel for you.
It's a small charity so no union or OH department, although I have made my health issues (causes and effects) known. We all travel so far to accommodate one lady with childcare issues - I don't begrudge that but feel my issues for not wishing to travel are equally valid. I'll speak with them and explain (again) why I can't travel like that.
Whether you can tell them you're not going depends on what your contract of employment says in terms of hours of work & duties etc.
If you have a Trade Union at work then they can advise on working to rule, special amendments to accommodate your illness etc.
If your doctor will write into your notes that Behçets means you have a disability then if you are in the UK, you would then be covered under the disability legislation. A meeting with your organisation's occupational health Dr should be requested then assuming the Dr is supportive your company would have to make reasonable adjustments at work for you. If they refuse then you can go to ACAS.
If your employer is causing undue stress they are possibly falling foul of other legislation. They are bound under law not to cause undue stress. You could ask for a full stress risk assessment as a result of your condition.
Good luck.

Hi MrsB1 we have produced a new booklet for Employers - Behcet's Syndrome for Employers! Please email me with your address and I will send you a copy in the post if you want one, or a link to a copy. info@behcetsdisease.org.uk