What helps the headaches?: - Behçet's UK
What helps the headaches?

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Jump to repliesHii, Well I guess it depends where the pain is and probable cause. Is it tension, not sleeping or do you know if it is BD. Best you see your doctor and take it from there.
Sorry can't be more helpful.
Hi there,
Just to add to what Billy said -Depends what sort of headache - and are you talking about help with the symptom or root cause? For me, symptoms are easy - I just use pain killers and have an understanding family who will leave me alone until I come out of it. If you have migraine, there are triptan medications that sort out the root cause as well, but make sure you are aware of potential side effects before you take them. If you're in UK, you can get a triptan "Imigran" over the counter but it is £££, cheaper to get prescription from GP. After a Behcets diagnosis, best to just pop along to your GP anyway. Could be completely unrelated like a jaw problem for which you'd be better off seeing your dentist.
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