Ive been having cluster migraines and consultant wants to do a brain scan just in case its related to behcets???
Does anybody know why headaches are symptoms o... - Behçet's UK
Does anybody know why headaches are symptoms of behcets,

hi jojot
if you find out i would like to know please i have had cluster migraines , migraines , shadow headaches , temporal lobe left , right ,,in one some all over every day for over 30 years .........it is a headache it will go away .....yeh right but now i am a bd i think it may be a little more ...don;t know what you guys think lol
keep smiling hugs

The Behcets Society website has a factsheet on headache available that might help answer your question, if you have a problem finding it email info@behcetsdisease.org.uk and we can send it.
Here's the link
Hope this helps....otherwise you can type the word "headaches" in the searchbar above on the right it will bring up other discussions we have had in the past.
They are pretty common in Behects so should be looked into by a neurologist if persistant
Hello, when l first was diagnosed with the disease, about 18 years ago, l remember reading that the brain stem swells when the body is under attack from Behcets. The article said that this is what causes the headaches. l don't know if you are a member of the Behcets society but they have great info on their site and could answer a lot of your questions. It's a hateful condition and the only advice l can give after all these years of suffering with it is to eat well, get fresh air and rest when you feel the symptoms, you can't work through them exertion only makes it ten times worse. Listen to your body and rest when you need to. Some times doing nothing is the hardest thing to do. All the best Alex.
I used to suffer from awful headaches when first diagnosed. I am on Amitriptyline now which helps. I still get headaches but not as intense. When I am flaring they do get worse.
Hi everyone, thanks very much for your comments. Ive been diagnosed about 5 years now and only logged on this site last night, great to have like minded folk who understand. I was on amytriptaline but got disturbed sleep and funny dreams so now on propanalol. Brain scan in couple weeks. Jo
I was only diagnosed a few weeks ago, but i get massive migraines for weeks at a time, they are giving me an MRI for neuro behcerts. They say that with the neuro you can get swelling in the brain but its very rare. I only get the headaches when I get the ulcers
HI, thanks for your reply, my consultant virtually said the same thing. I get headaches for a few days then none then a few days etc etc, only for the last 4 months, thought it was blood pressure related but I get headaches if its up/down or normal. I doubt the brain scan will show anything BS related but I might get answers either way. What do you take for pain relief?
I had my MRI today,very eerie. My docs phoned me today the doctor wants to see me tomorrow .…so fingers crossed.