From the mouth's of babes !: I was sitting in my... - Behçet's UK

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From the mouth's of babes !

xandii profile image
17 Replies

I was sitting in my downstairs bedroom on my bed as usual surfing away on my computer and trying to find a suitable outfit for my latest acquisition of a bearington collectable rabbit that had become parted from her clothes when I overheard a conversation taking place on the footpath just 10 feet from my open window.

I should first explain that as many of you know I have several cats in the house and Tizzy is my matriarch girl who never leaves my side and sits with me for hours on end on my bed and is a great source of comfort for me. Her daughter is Baby Moo so called because she never left her mother cat and still behaves just like a baby kitten towards Tizzy and myself and is thoroughly spoilt rotten by us both.

Just recently Moo has taken to hiding in all sorts of tiny spaces when it becomes late in the evening and I am continually calling her at the top of my voice inside the house and through the window so that I can lock the window up for the night and know that everyone is safe and in bed.

This evening was one of those nights where she has done a disappearing act and since it is drawing into the evening I have been calling her on and off for nearly two hours and frustratingly she has not as yet made an appearance and I am getting quite concerned and annoyed when outside of the window I hear a discussion taking place between the two little boys who live in the next close and play on the grass hillocks just outside.

Noticing my window was open, one says to the other 'That lady's window is open and she is making noises like a cow again !'

The other small boy replied, 'Oh it's okay, Mummy said she is very sick and has gone mad and we should stay away from her window especially when it is open '

Little boy one pipes up in reply and says 'Will she come out of the window and get us then ?'

'No ! It's alright', his fellow playmate replied 'she's tied to the bed so she can't get out !!'

Hmmmm....... pauses on computer and looks over top rim of glasses.

* mental note to self ......... Get OH to explain to children and parents that Moo is in fact a cat and I am not actually tied to the bed and mad as a hatter !

.........on the other hand ????? LOL :)

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xandii profile image
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17 Replies
andreafm profile image

Oh that's so funny xandii

You gave me a good chuckle and I really needed one today.....

That's so funny. Thanks for posting some humour :) I too was in need of a good laugh.

xandii profile image

Following on from my original blog above, I spotted Chris the postman who is a friend and regular postie for the close and Father of one of the little boys above walking his dog early hours of this morning.

I told him of the conversation I had overheard between his six year old son and his friend and he was totally mortified and full of apologies.

Having explained to him that I wasn't angry at all about their little discussion and actually found it quite funny if not a little perturbed about where they had got their information from, he was pleased to confirm that it was actually his wife that had spoken to him at breakfast during a family conversation following the 24 hours in A & E programme the other day. He was eager to impart to me the actual conversation that took place which was as follows:

Chris : I didn't realise that illness was so awful did you ?

Wife: No ........ Poor cow ! It must be driving her mad !

(looks in direction of young son and older daughter and says)

Don't let me hear that you two are causing problems playing around right outside her

window ........ especially when it is open ! She's tied to her bedroom all the time so

don't you lot go making things worse and upsetting her okay ??

KIds: (nods from children who were half listening and playing with their cereal while

watching TV.)

Chris will speak to his young children and bring them around to the window over the weekend to meet 'the mad cow woman' so they can say hello and see for themselves that she is not actually raving mad and tied to her bed.

I have ordered the sweeties for the occasion with my OH who will visit the market today for fresh vegetables.

It just goes to prove how rumours get started doesn't it.LOL..

:) :) :) xxx

thegoodmom profile image

LOL. Thanks for sharing.

Shalom-yall profile image

Hahaha!!!! Such a great story!!! This would make a great sketch for a sit-com!

Steamboat profile image

Hi Xandii ,

Must be made for me to read.


With best wishes,


lesleyg profile image

Really made me laugh - something we all need!


Michja profile image

Dear Xandii, how brilliant. You sound like you have lovely neighbours which is important in case of an emergency. I loved how you have explained the conversation between the little boys, mad me giggle. It was great you have the opportunity to explain your situation and they are willing to listen. Good on you. Hope you find Moo.

MrsBeau profile image

Mad AND tied to the bed? Brilliant.

Thanks for the chuckle.


infliximab74 profile image

That has made me giggle. Your little tale shows the innocence of children !!

Ha ha, hilarious. Thanks for sharing. Makes my blue eyebrows pale into insignificance (thank goodness).

It's so good to hear that it's going to be explained to the children and that they will be coming to see you. So many adult attitudes and prejudices are passed to their children intentionally, never mind by accident/example and through misinterpretation.

I do have one question though - is OH going to buy scissors so he can cut the ropes or does he need keys for the handcuffs? ;-)

xandii profile image
xandii in reply to

Oh no problem there Tiger hun,...... we had the handcuffs left over from one of our frequent parties we had with............Hmmmmmm............we had with........Hmmmm......

ahhhhh ...........suddenly forgotten where they came from ???

* mental note to oneself ....... too much information for the spy to work with ! Nearly let the cat out of the bag there about what we used to get up to at our parties. LOL.

:) :) :) xxx

billi profile image

Great story really made me smile out loud. Sounds like the trailer for a great book. Maybe we could all write our little ditties and anecdotes and come up with a BEDT SELLER!!!!!! Stranger things have happened....think Calender Girls.

Cheers and Hugs


billi profile image

Obviously that should read best seller. .or maybe not lol

xandii profile image

ha ha ha ! my last dog was called Charlie Muffin. Baby Moo was so called because of her kitten ways and her silly little 'Mew' or 'Moo' call for attention.

Strangely enough, I should have been born in Cyprus and it was all booked up but I decided to suddenly make an appearance with my head down a toilet in Libya so never made it to Cyprus after all !

There have been certain things like health that have been poo in my life ever since. :)

Start as you mean to go on and all that. LOL.

SuenMike profile image

This series of blogs has made starting the computer worth while. I have never laughed so much.

When I was a small girl, I wanted to call a kitten I was given by my grandmother Dinah, after Alice in Wonderland's cat, but my father said he would not go out calling for a cheap restaurant when she wouldn't come home. In the end I called her Lucky!

My grandmother had two pekingese dogs, the boy was called Wong-ge and the girl was Moo-moo. I an not sure if these names mean anything in mandarin!

xandii profile image

My father was in the air force doing his national service in 1958. He was posted to the middle east and spent most of it in Libya in Tobruk and the surrounding area.

Because we were on a British military base, I should have gone to Episkopi in Cyrus to the military hospital to be born but as explained earlier, I decided to come earlier in the toilet.

Both my parents are full blown true English with the only history in their backgrounds from Ireland ancestry so definitely no silk road connection by ethnicity just location of birth.

:) xx

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