ATOS BENEFITS ASSESSMENT...: Hi all...I had a... - Behçet's UK

Behçet's UK

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pheobe67 profile image
8 Replies

Hi all...I had a form yesterday from Atos regarding my benefits. I've been told they are reassessing my benefits and I have to have to go for a face to face assessment. I am on the high disability benefit and absolutely petrified from what I have heard that they will take it away. It's bad enough dealing with this dreadfully condition without having the stress of this. If they take my benefits I will have nothing. Has anyone else had to go through this yet and have advice?...also I was thinking of contacting my local mp to see if he can support me. Is this advisable?...I have been in a flare now for two months and neurologically my symptoms have been bad. However ad we all no, this can change from day to day and what I can't do today I may very well be able to do tomorrow. How are they going to understand this...

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pheobe67 profile image
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8 Replies
tamirra profile image

Hi Pheobe, yes my daughter has had her`s withdrawen 2 weeks ago, she has appealed now waiting on that decision, and if the worst comes to the worst then we will yet again have to sit in front of the panel which we find very humiliating. Good luck x x

tamirra profile image

PS we tried the local MP stratagy but didnt help in our case, what you have got to hope for is the doctor they have on the panel is Behcets aware, if not your at a loss before you even start, try to gather as much evidence eg photos at your wrost etc to show them, i printed alot of info off line hoping to show them but they didnt really want to know, it all boils down to the panel and if there sympathetic or not as its such a rare illness " its all in the mind ". x x

infliximab74 profile image


I received my yearly letter saying how much they are giving me now and it had a letter sayingthey would be reassesing everyone. I too am so worried about this as it was so difficult to get in the first place. I had to go to tribunal and was awarded it for 5 years then had to reapply i then failed again and went to tribunal and was awarded it for life. Things are said to be tougher now so i hear and that they are clamping down. It is my only income to and dreading the letter coming through the door. I went to citizens advice last time and they represent you if you havent already done so. As well as getting your drs to write you a letter. I wish you luck on this and hope you get what you deserve. I dont see how some random person who does not know us or our case can decide whether we should get the pip. Do let us know how you get on hunni. Try not to stress over it (easier said than done) as we know what happens then. Take care x Christine

pheobe67 profile image

Thanks for such quick replies. It's a very worrying time. My doctor thinks its ridiculous and Saud he is in full support of my illness. He said he is going to write a letter in support of my health and tell them how it effects me day to day and generally. I just hope they read it and are sympathetic. Also, I thought those on the higher disability were not being reassessed until after October this year or until 2015. Maybe I got it wrong.

Herbiv4 profile image

Hello there Pheobe,

Before I was diagnosed with Behçet's I was misdiagnosed as having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 12 years.

I started a campaigning group and very slowly built a website and a discussion group.

I have also been through DLA appeals hearings and emerged alive.

If you take a look at this web address you'll find two commissioners decisions that may be of use to you and others here.

In short, both decisions refer to a capacity to walk up to 400 yards but still be classified as being virtually unable to walk.

It would be useful to take these two appeals Commissioner's legal decisions with you in case the ATOS examiner starts asking you how far you can walk.

They assume that if you can walk 400 yards then you can keep on walking 400 yards to enable them to disqualify you.

Also, you'll find a very very good website called Benefits and Work,

This website.... provides guides for all situations to help you through the process you are faced with.

For example, you can request that your interview is recorded for the record.

ATOS will not like it at all but you have the right to have the interview taped for evidence purposes in case they decline your application.

In my own case, I had a discrete tape recorder in the room where I had my DLA medical so I had valuable evidence that was very useful for my appeals hearing.

As you said - you can get medical evidence from your GP and if you know of a specialist - even a private Behçet's specialist, that additional evidence will be well worth the getting.

I know of two people who have ME/CFS and recently both of them were awarded ESA in the support group without the need for a medical interview.

They achieved this because they had help filling in their ESA50 forms via the Benefits and Work website.

At your interview - if it were me - I'd ask the person interviewing you what type of healthcare professional they were - Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Nurse or Doctor?

I'd ask them this because I'd follow up this question by explaining to them that there are only a few doctors around the UK who have a detailed understanding/appreciation of Behçet's disease as it is so relatively rare. Only a few people truly understand how debilitating Behçet's can be and in so many different ways.

I would also take someone with me as a witness and who could take notes and help you jog your memory because you may well be so wound up or stressed that you'll possibly forget things you need to say.

If you need any more help, by all means send me a message and I'll do my best.

The Benefits and Work website do charge a membership fee but if you qualify for DLA indefinitely then come 2015, people on this type of DLA will supposedly be transferred to Personal Independence Payments (PIP).

Knowing how to fill in the form using very specific language is half the battle.

When I filled in my DLA form I had no help but should have asked for help because I didn't fill in the form properly and that forced me into the appeals process which was extremely stressful - took many months and this was ultimately unnecessary.

I hope this is of help to you.



rosshi profile image

hello everyone,

the people not being reassessed until 2015 are those who were put on as INDEFINITE - the amount given; high or low, does not change the reassessment. However if you receive incapacity as part of your benefit you will be reassessed for that, so they are going to assess you one way or another..

My personal feelings;

It is shameful what this coalition are doing to the weak, infirm and poorest in our communities; in our great democracy (NOT).

My Political view;

Everyone if you get the option vote UKIP and force change, if you don't get the choice write in BIG letters, UKIP across the ballot paper; local and general elections. If a majority vote UKIP something will have to be done; change will occur... Don't listen when the main three parties tell you a vote for UKIP is a wasted vote; its not its a loud clear message...

pixie_14 profile image
pixie_14 in reply to rosshi

The same UKIP who would have disabled people "put down"? What a ridiculous statement! UKIP are facists and don't let ANYONE convince you otherwise!

rosshi profile image
rosshi in reply to pixie_14

hello pixie

sorry to offend; but the BNP are facelifts not UKIP don’t listen to any of them is part of my point; they are as bad as each other; it was only last week that Mr Cameron stated on national media; UKIP are closet racists and loonies that changed a few days later to; UKIP must be treated with respect and as a legitimate party; after UKIP did well in the local elections. They all say what they think you want to hear or what is seen to be the right thing or more so the populist thing.

The rest of my point is the politics in this country are seriously broken and only a massive political earthquake is going to start the wheels of change moving.

One example; Labour weakened banking legislation, all parties in power from 2007 onwards, had and still have powers to deal with rogue banks, how many to date have those powers been used on = 0

Some banks were recently caught fixing the mortgage rates worldwide, those same banks were allowed if not encouraged to open hedge funds and futures (simplified; like a kind of bet) they bet that the rate would go up and made billions, now I said worldwide; but there's a but; other banksters did their dealing through their London branches, JP Morgan, Goldman Sax; some of these facts were even in the financial Times.

If you ever get the time watch;

hes a bit of a showman, he used to be a trader, stock and shares and any facts he comes out with can be verified; he has appeared on the BBC daily politics show. He exposes the whole chess game (The ones we are being made; to pay for) Just look at the facts and not so much at the character...

Don’t believe me or his if you're able dig around; but what you find might be scary...

Please get truly informed; but not via TV that's mostly propaganda. This government and the last are crooked, fraudulent and are only in it for themselves, Cameron's wife has a personal fortune £33 million, they didn’t save the banks for us, they still have their millions but you and I are paying to keep them in wealth.

I might add that due to Behçet's I am quite badly disabled from a massive stroke and also thanks to Behçet's I have permanently lost most of my eye sight; and am "legally blind", I still feel that anyone in "disabled/chronic illness" circumstances; would fair better with UKIP than with this Torie led coalition.

Who dreamed up bedroom tax? The true reason they are scrapping DLA is simple; it has LEGALITIES, people on DLA have certain legal protections so to has anyone on income support (which is soon to be changed) PIP will not have the same protections or at most; VERY WATERED DOWN ONES= so the revolving door benefits system begins...

So I'm sorry if I upset you but until there is a peoples parliament things will never change, just vote for change not the status Quo.

I promise I will not get political in here again, but promise me that as with Behçet's syndrome get informed and stay informed. I.E. Herbiv4 links above.... (Herbiv4 ) many thanks BTW

Thank you, I wish you well.

best regards,


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