recently had sores and bumps and extremeee!!!!!!!!! Pain urinating so I went to the doctors and they did a swab and blood test
The results for my swab test came back positive while my blood test came back negative. When I asked my doctor what this means he said that It means I recently got infected since the blood work was negative for the long term antibodies.
I have been with my partner for 8 months and I have only had sexual intercorse with him. I already told him about the situation and he went to get tested as well. His results haven’t came back yet but I am worried ,
What if his results come back negative? How did I end up with this issue.
does this mean he gave it to me?
I have not shared utensils or drinks or anything with anyone.
I know it’s impossible to figure out the timeline of everything but I just want a understanding because it’s very unfortunate.
I suffer with type 1 diabetes and I was also born with one kidney and this is an add on to my life problems and it’s bringing me down. Everyone says it’s ok and this is not the end of the world but it really feels like it.
I am still expercining so much pain I am on my 6th valacyclovir pill and it feels like nothings getting better. I am unable to sleep because any postion I lay in it burns and hurts.