Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help/wondering if anyone had experienced this...
I had the kyleena coil fitted in August. Had pretty bad cramping for maybe 2 weeks after this and some spottting. I got my first period in over 10 months in September and it was heavy, horrendous and lasted for 2 and a bit weeks. Seriously heavy clotting, a lot of blood, would bleed through tena ladies, had to change every 45 minutes, then after 2 weeks it stopped. Haven’t had a period since. Before getting the kyleena coil I was on the injection which obviously stopped my periods for nearly a year, so I understand that the heavy period would have just been all the excess I had built up over not having a period for however long.
I’m now 50 days late for my next period, I've done pregnancy tests and they’re negative. I was wondering if anyone had the same experience as me? All I’ve read online is that I’m still probably supposed to be having quite heavy periods or spotting as well as cramps which I haven’t had. I think because of how severe the period I last had was, there is a possibility that it might have expelled, but I had no abdominal pains or cramping so I don’t think this happened. Should probably go to the doctors but I just found the process invasive and don’t want to relive it tbh lol.
Long winded, but yeah, If anyone has a similar experience I’d love to hear about it to make me feel less worried.