I don't have any friends at all! I never understand what I do wrong, I always feel I have friends but then as soon as I stop making the effort or no longer in that workplace I hear from noone and when I do message I get ignored, people only seem to be friends with me when I see them everyday, due to health I'm now out of work and haven't got a single friend, my partner works offshore so as soon as he's away I feel so lonely and isolated
No friends: I don't have any friends at all... - Autism Support
No friends

Ah that's awful. You must be very lonely. You can talk to me. Where are you in the world xx obviously your health is a factor as to why you can't work, I think you need to find some sort of group that can help you feel a little less isolated, it's scary I understand but if we don't push our boundaries just a little we will isolate our self's.
I'm in Scotland. I don't really know what groups to go, I don't have a lot of things I'm good at or interests if I'm honest, I was housebound for a while, and now I'm managing to get out a bit more but I have cfs so I end up feeling really unwell and exhausted after going out and need a whole day to recover
Maybe have a look on meetup.com/ and see if there's anything you could plausibly get to? Even if you aren't interested straight away you might find that hearing people be enthusiastic about something sparks an interest in it.
I don’t know what groups to join or how to join or go. I need support with a lot of things but I don’t get enough support. There have been times when I couldn’t go out of the house at all even when I needed to. I find it difficult to go out. I get exhausted too especially from going out and also need a whole day or more to recover-somewhere dark and quiet
I don't really if I'm honest, I've joined a yoga class so will see how that goes, if I have plans I don't mind doing things on my own, but my health went downhill and was housebound for a bit, now I try to get out when I can or when I have to if I have appointments etc. Just cos I'm not working now with my health and I live alone it gets rather lonely
sorry ... 2 months have past... I had very difficult time 😢... but was wondering if you made it to yoga. . or looked at meet up.... site , ???? I'm same as you with CFS.....uuuh...🤪.....
I don’t have a friend either. I also don’t do anything wrong and people ignore me too and also ignore me if I message them and also ostracise me, bully me and abuse me. I’m not sure if I feel lonely or not.

I totally understand I dunno why I don't, I do feel awfully isolated, my boyfriend works away so when he's home I've got him but when he's away got nobody, if I'm feeling low I'll call my mum or my aunt but that can be like 5 times a day and I feel like I'm annoying them
Yes we understand each other. Are your mum and your aunt nice to you? Are your family nice to you?

My mum used to be abusive to me and didn't have any contact for a few years, my aunt has always been there, but I feel like I'm starting to annoy her, then my sister has said my mum still says horrible things about me, she's doing her best to support me just wish she wouldnt say things about me when I wasnt there
Sorry to know that. Mine abusive too and says horrible things sometimes. Why do you think you’re annoying your aunt? Glad your mum’s supporting you-what does she do to support you?

Just cos when I'm on the phone to her after a while she'll be like ill let you go then even though I don't want to. My mums been coming to appointments and helping me with benefits forms etc, more emotional support as my dad is hopeless that way
People do that to me too. They also falsely assume, falsely accuse, belittle me, say nasty things a lot, make me feel like I’m worthless, ostracise me, bully me and abuse me. My mum doesn’t always come with me to appointments-only a few times. She doesn’t care. My dad gives me a lot more support than my mum- with my mum her support is almost non-existant. I can’t get out to claim the benefit so I have nothing-no income

My income is very little, my dad doesn't understand mental health at all he doesn't believe in it, whereas my sister is autisic so my mum knows how it is
Having little money is difficult. I think that I’ll never have friends either since no one gives me more money I need or helps me have friends
Both . 😔❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜