Do people with cerebellar ataxia have going to the toilet for a poo? Anne
Having problems going to the toilet : Do people... - Ataxia UK
Having problems going to the toilet

It can cause constipation ..particularly if ataxia causes a person to be less mobile, and not enough liquid is consumed combined with a poor diet.
For was causing a knock-on effect with urinary frequency, something else fairly common with ataxia.
I had investigation ..and was told in no uncertain terms…that my bowel was dehydrated, and I must ensure to drink more water.
I’d also been referred for urinary frequency.. and was given Laxido to try and improve the combined problem.
🙂 Laxido did help..I took it for a short while. And..I definitely drink water between mouthfuls of’s made a big difference in regularity.
Sure does…for me. A real battle to go.
Went to a bowel specialist, now have internal exercises to improve bowel control. Urinary frequency specialist suggested do not go just in case before going out. Keep a container in car for emergencies. Google has nearby toilet directions. Now hardly an issue.
I remember a line from an early Carry On film. The doctor said to the lady patient. “Do you take anything for the constipation?” Lady replied, “just my knitting!”
Drink plenty and have emergency bottles etc all over the house.