I have SCA6 and am very effected when the temperature outside rises. I stay inside an air conditioned house but am still nonfunctional - extremely weak, off balanced and dizzy. When the temperature falls a few days later, my energy returns, my dizziness and balance improve. It's not the heat because I'm inside and hydrated. The only thing I can think of is the change in barometric pressure. I read one research study that said in hot weather when the pressure is high - the cerebellum shrinks. Does anyone else experience this?
SAC6 - very affected by rising temperature - Ataxia UK
SAC6 - very affected by rising temperature
I have idiopathic ataxia and neuropathy and totally understand your pain as I experience full body pain when temperatures change. Heat or cold, barometric pressure is the culprit because a simple rainstorm can wreak havoc causing me to hit the bed and rest until it subsides. Otherwise I’m pretty active but have been like this for many years so I’m glad you posted because I wondered about this for just as long.
Low pressure has a noticeable effect on my symptoms..far less ability to concentrate, fatigue is worse.
Also diagnosed Idiopathic Cerebellar Ataxia-with general ataxia symptoms.
I have SCA6. I live in NZ. I find when it gets really cold, I generally find my ability to function gets less. My legs go to jelly, my limbs get stiff. It may well be pressure, but I suspect we just need a good average temperature to function as best we can. Apparently others who experience hot weather report similar symptoms. Hope this may help a bit
my SCA6 is the same all year, only my walking and balance seems to get worse every 6 months or so
Yes I get extremely hot and my balance and vision is terrible cannot cope in heat also get headaches I just wish someone would try and help us it’s getting worse everyday so fed up with it having to rely on other people to help with everyday activities.