As the Cerebellar is slowly being damaged and because it’s linked to many other parts of the brain do you think it changes us as a person ie what we like to watch on tv what we like to eat how we behave in different situations how we handle stress bad news ect 🥸
Life changes: As the Cerebellar is slowly being... - Ataxia UK
Life changes
One thing that I'll add, regarding the watching TV comment (because I thought this recently too): yes I tend to re-watch a lot of TV shows, and avoid watching new ones. I find it difficult to concentrate on new material, and the familiarity of shows I've already watched helps me enjoy them. This may have nothing to do with ataxia and the cerebellum (I have SCA) and it might be something that is related to another brain wiring, but I have linked it to concentration levels, and to some degree memory too (both of which I believe have been linked to SCA patients).
Looking back, I know I have changed. I have idiopathic late onset cerebellar ataxia.
Eating - I used to live to eat, now I eat to live. Always loved my food and meals out. Now I eat things that are easy to swallow/digest.
Activity - I was always active, doing sports, yoga, swimming, tennis, squash, walking holidays. Now I can hardly walk. I use my knowledge of yoga and exercise safely every day.
T V - I prefer easy to watch programmes which require no concentration. I was always told at school that I "lacked the ability to concentrate"
Shopping - I used to shop until I dropped. Now it is online shopping only.
Going out - I was always independent. I learnt to drive at 17. Now I don't drive any more and have to be taken everywhere. I am happy at home.
Difficult situations are harder to handle these days too.
Interesting thought 🤔 Yes it does I suppose x
Yes. I can recognise I’m very different. We know ‘Cognition and Emotion’ can be it’s inevitable that some traits will change.
Cognition and emotion are part of my Cerebellar Ataxia signs and symptoms diagnosis. It hasn't changed me as a person (personality) but it has changed my behaviour in some ways. For example I prefer to watch tv from an upstairs room. I can relax better without distractions and it improves my concentration. I can't watch tv with any kind of background noise. Whenever my wife talks while I'm watching tv I get very frustrated as it prevents me from processing what's being said on the tv.
Don’t changes have more to do with age and maybe the type of Ataxia?
It probably does but I do my very best not to let it effect me,I am constantly thinking about ways to improve my situation. You can't let it win..