I am from Pakistan, and am willing to be in university in london for postgraduate. I dont understand how can I apply as I am also suffering from SCA7 but I can walk without support for now. They ask you to also do a job for finanicial aid, i'll be obliged if anyone would recommend any University and shiuld I tell in my application about my illness.
Recommendation needed: I am from Pakistan, and am... - Ataxia UK
Recommendation needed

I work in a university and we would make a decision based only on your academic qualifications, not your physical abilities. Once you've enrolled on a course, you can apply for support, for example special chairs in classrooms, extra time to hand in assignments etc. Which universities you apply to is a very personal choice - it will depend on location, subject and ethos of the institution. Try to find a UK universities agent near you who can advise/suggest different options.
It is entirely up to you whether or not you include ataxia on your application. You might want to include it in your personal statement as an example of overcoming adversity. It is also your decision whether or not to do part-time work... only you know your financial situation and how well you'd cope with the extra workload.
Hope that helps a bit,
Good luck x
Carrie gave great advice.
I can just tell you my story. I have SCA1 and it was during the early stages. I went to my local University, Worcester and studied Art and Design at degree level. I was a bit wobbly standing and made a great friend who carried my stuff for me. It was 10 years ago and they gave a computer and money for books. The University were very supportive.
My thoughts were I knew I had ataxia coming and my kids did not need me as much and it was a chance to try what I really liked - Art. I discovered I enjoyed making ceramics, and until last year was able to make stuff.
Good luck what ever you decide x
Hello again
With some medical insurance we got me a kiln. I was still able to use this last year with help but now too shaky but you must try for as long as you can.
When applying I did tell them. They gave me a biggish financial handout to use as I wanted - they do like having disabled!!
Good luck x
Did you work,how did you get financial aid?
I am also have SCA2 type ataxia. i started this illness from age of 30, My father have same desis, He now using wheel chair..its a genetic disorder..NOw i am 35 year old
Hello Vinupur. Mine s genetic aswell my Dad had ut. So hows India does it have any support system. And whats ur routine does it infer in ur daily life
I stay in my home and working as a freelance creative designer, also my dad was government employ. I am now 35 yers old boy..not married yet. i dont have any intrest to marry some girls because i know my desise is genetic, no intrested to give it to next generation. I am try to happy living.
Hey thats great to hear that you have coped up with it. I am still trying to make it real that i'm ill. I wanted to live a normal life but now i m on my bed for like half a year. So; whats ur hobbies in lockdown i was wondering to write a journal but instead i m just watching Netflix. Takecare. You are a braveman
I am not a brave men, my life teached me more..I know my future is very bad..In my family my grand mother have this situation and my father is same stage now. i got a well knowledge about this condition. here in kerala i got more medical treatment. but i know know one can help more..Thanks for your messae..thank you very much.