If so have you found it helpful? Which symptoms has it helped? Has it replaced any of your medications? What CBD/THC mix do you use?
I'm curious because it seems to have less side-effects than some medication.
If so have you found it helpful? Which symptoms has it helped? Has it replaced any of your medications? What CBD/THC mix do you use?
I'm curious because it seems to have less side-effects than some medication.
I tried it but it didn’t have any effect on me at all
I even tried cannabis but it just put me to sleep so I guess it worked because I didn’t fall over x
Different strains have different effects.
I suppose so but can only speak for myself
Hi scrumdidly!
This information refers to a patient with PSP:
"Control of palliative medication against depression and insomnia. In our case right now: 1 Sertraline-50 at breakfast and 1 Lorazepam-1mg one hour before dinner. Of course all these drugs were prescribed by a physician.
A light dinner helps to control insomnia. Also a moderate walk (with aids) or wheelchair before dinner helps to generate a natural fatigue that helps fall asleep.
Some include a dose of 3 to 6 mg of CBD Oil (20/1-CBD/THC) via subling, usually before dinner, to stimulate appetite, reduce anxiety and as a co-adjuvant analgesic in neuropathic pain.
In periods of patient more intense anxiety some increase the frequency of the dose by applying it before lunch and before dinner on the same day.If you are interested see:
Hugs and luck.
I have a medical card and use a 1:1 ratio of cbd:thc. I take sublingual drops 4xday. About .5ml and that helps to keep any major trembling or dizziness to a minimum. In between I take about a 2mg vape puff of the thc/cbd if the tremors hinder me from doing things.
I do take supplements but I have thrown away all my meds (blood sugar, blood pressure, sinamet for pd symptoms) I think this is all from an intermittent fasting regimen. That’s a while other community on here.
I think cannabis has helped more than any other meds. And if your friends come over, they can partake with you. Can’t do that with any prescription meds!
Do you notice it helping with other symptoms as well? I've heard it might help with cramping. The other thing I'd like it for is anxiety because my anxiety meds make my light headed and that makes the ataxia harder.
What kind of intermittent fasting do you do? I've heard of many different types (every other day, weekends, no food before 3pm...)
Medical cannabis addresses so many issues I never knew I had. Unfortunately, the fun of getting high is already 35 years past high school. Seems like anxiety and an increase in sadness or slight depressed feelings make all the symptoms come on really strong. Positive attitude is really the best therapy but the toughest to maintain.
I gave my son who is 18yo some of the sublingual drops for an upset stomach and it worked. I rubbed some of the same oil on my foot and it kept the cramps away.
The IF I do is a random 24+ hours whenever it feels right. Around twice a week I guess is my average. Sometimes I do it without planning. I get too busy but I don’t really get hungry. This has given the most benefit for me. It’s important to know your body well which is why it is good for ataxians. We know every little quirk of our bodies. I only break my fast when I’m hungry. Your body will tell you. I’m always learning when I’m brain hungry or body hungry.