Hi all my Ataxia friends ----sometimes I wonder , what's going on --- I can feel ill, tired, pain, can hardly move on foot in front of the other, have no balance, can hardly hold a cup of tea to have a sip, ----Then , suddenly , like today, I feel fine, no pain, can move, and even hold my cup to drink my tea, walk to the bathroom without furniture walking, ---- It is then that I feel confused, what has happened ---- is it because I feel more relaxed today---- not thinking about Family and friends who have hurt me --- is my Ataxia okay --- is it all in the mind, then , what will tomorrow be like --- every day can be so different---- hope you are having a nice pain free day --- take care , love--- lottiejemma
confusing : Hi all my Ataxia friends... - Ataxia UK

first, it's not all in your head. the brain is odd and completely mysterious, including to doctors. I've had times when my ataxia seemed to lift for a while and I've read about others who have, too. my only advice would be to take it easy on the good days so you can enjoy them properly. I have a tendency to overdo it because i'm so excited to move better and then I get sick.
Hi, that’s how it is for me. I can have good days and bad days.
Same days I have no symptoms. Other days I am couch bound watching tv and falling a sleep.
I have seen me go for 2 weeks with no symptoms and I spend my time running about doing everything I can think off.
Then the Ataxia hits me and I cannot stand, balance and walk.
I too have a good day then the following day, for no reason, I can suddenly become worse. Now I just think if I take it easy, tomorrow will be better. Yesterday was a very bad day but I had a new scooter arriving so I was excited inside and I think excitement or stress affects me. I do not have pain though. Enjoy the good days and accept you’ll have bad ones and, yes, this site is great. Best wishes.
I feel exactly like this, I find it confusing that one day i can walk fine around when out shopping and another need to hang on to a trolley or can hold and drink from a cup and the next can barely pick it up with both hands. Good to know others find the same and i am not putting it on.
My knees are in constant pain 24/7 but I put it to the back of my mind and get on with life as best as I can, I cant move about indoors without holding on to furniture/walls or doorframe and I walk with a wide gait, I also conciously have to lift my feet when walking due to Dropped Foot Syndrome caused by Diabetes, my feet and lower legs have no feeling in them.
I often fall over indoors, in fact I’m well practiced at falling now....lol x, lift engineers are finalising the installation of a lift for me because I cant manage the stairs anymore!
When I go out to town or whatever, my wife drives my motability car, and lifts my electric powerchair in and out of car with a hoist fitted in the boot!
Enjoy the good day's because you never know where a bad day is lurking.LOL
Some days I am much better than others - no clues though x
I have good and bad days, too. Some days, my balance is way off. I sometimes have so much pain in my legs and some joints, along with stiffness, that I can hardly walk around, or stand for very long. Then, at other times, all that goes away temporarily, and I feel almost like a normal person, in that my walk and balance are ok.
I have days that are much better than others too. However I always have to furniture walk around the house and find that I'm using my stick more and more in the house.
When I have a good day, I virtually always overdo it - I should have learnt by now!!! Lol . Then usually I have to pay for it with a bad day. I feel so great when I have a little run of good days 😁😁.