Has anyone with ataxia any experience of living ... - Ataxia UK

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Has anyone with ataxia any experience of living abroad &/or treatment/awareness in Spain??

glosman profile image
7 Replies

As I feel better waking up to blue skies & sunshine my fiancée & I have decided to move to Spain in 4 weeks for a totally different, hopefully, better lifestyle.

I am really looking forward to it but am nervous about living there with ataxia as I don't know what knowledge/awareness there is in Spain either generally or in the medical profession so if anyone has any knowledge I would be grateful to hear.

There is a Spanish equivalent of Ataxia UK website but its all in Spanish & my Spanish isn't good enough to fully translate it.

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glosman profile image
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7 Replies
scruffycat profile image

The internet knows no boundaries, so you'll still be able to post.

Good luck. I have been tempted to do the same thing. A bit of predictability

Zhez profile image

Hi Glosman, as a UK citizen couldn't you still have your main neuro appointments in the UK? May be worth looking into :)

glosman profile image
glosman in reply to Zhez

Hi Zhez, Thanks for your reply I am hoping that using a UK c/o address I will still be able to see my Ataxia Specialist - she said that as long as I can give a UK address it makes no difference to the NHS. Plan to give that a go although there is a big Ataxia community like AUK in Spain - only problem is I have got to learn Spanish first - still gives me more incentive to do that!!

Tiggywinkles profile image

I guess by now you have made the move to Spain - how did it go? Are you enjoying good weather?


glosman profile image
glosman in reply to Tiggywinkles

Hi Heather,

Yes move is now complete we have been here 6 weeks now & the sun has shone every day which is fantastic. Temperatures have been 85 + every day, the locals are saying that this is the hottest October for ages!! More importantly I am feeling great & I am sure that the weather & way of life is helping my ataxia, I feel more mobile & stronger than I can remember. I have to keep pinching myself that this is not one big dream!! I think I am so lucky + having an understanding partner who looks after me also helps so much.

How are you? I hope that everything with you is OK


Tiggywinkles profile image

Morning Brian,

Good to hear that your move is completed and that you are feeling the benefits of the warmer weather - long may it last! Have you made contact with anyone in Spain who has Ataxia?

I am doing OK. I finally have my appointment at The John Radcliffe next week, so looking forward to speaking with someone who knows more about Ataxia.

Keep enjoying the sunshine!



glosman profile image

Hi Heather,

Sorry haven't replied sooner just been so so busy trying to get everything straight for our first visitors this week - thankfully now everything is virtually done so I can relax a bit!

Life in Spain is amazing I feel so much better & stronger -- I can now walk a bit without my stick which is strange + a few months ago I had to crawl into & out of the sea now I can actually walk in & out - sounds not a lot but for me that's a massive achievement. Hopefully it won't be shortlived - I am sure waking up to the sun, the gentle way of life & no doom & gloom from reading the newspapers watching the news etc would make anyone feel better + the Spanish appear to be far more considerate & accepting of disability which also makes a big difference.

I read that your hospital visit to the John Radcliffe went well - I am so pleased for you, they are great there & its just so nice to talk to people who understand even if the cannot offer a magic pill. I do hope that you feel better & that things look brighter for you even if the weather is lousy. When you have your next apt in Oxford there are a couple of nice Travelodges/Premier Inns 5/10 mins away from the hospital which I have used when I had to go there from Cornwall -- more money I know but I found it made the trip easier to cope with.

I haven't met anyone here with ataxia yet but am told there is a lady nearby so will try to introduce myself sometime, at the minute I'm busy attending Spanish classes 4 hrs per week which is daunting but fun I suppose even if I feel really stupid at times!!!!!!!!!

Anyways I do hoe that you keep well, you sound a positive person I know full well that is not easy & appreciate that you have gone through a lot recently -- I always look for the positives & if I can achieve something each day that's great so pat yourself on the back every day I find it helps (hope that doesn't sound too odd!!??)

Keep well,


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